Chap. 8 We Go Find Jazz

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I wake up early because Jazz is mumbling and moving in his sleep, i wake him up and say "i have to get ready. Then we can go and get your body." His spark glows a bit brighter, i get dressed and pack things i think i will need to recover Jazz's body, and walk out of my room and down the stairs. I enter to the kitchen and grab some leftovers, pack a bunch of water for my trip, then i write a note to my Mom telling her what i'm doing and leave. I grab my bike, and Jazz floats into its basket, then we begin our journey. As I bike my way outside of town, following Jazz's instructions, because he can sense his body, whereas i have no sense of direction. I stop at the edge of town, grab one of my water-bottles and drink some. I put the bottle away and start pedaling into the desert toward the body of Jazz, who's my future, and my soon to be spark-mate.

I have been pedaling for a while when i see a black smudge in the distance, i ask Jazz "what is that!?" he looks at it and says "it looks like a broken down base of some sort" i keep pedaling closer to it and definitely see its base, a busted, broken down one, but still a base,. I'm getting really close when Jazz, all of a sudden, yells "STOP!" i immediately hit the break and look around tense, he says "mah body's right underneath of us." My eyes widen and i look down, then I look over toward the base and see its really close to his burial site. I pick up my bag, with my equipment in it, and place it on the ground. I pedal over to the base and lean my bike against it, leaving Jazz in the shadow of the base to keep him cool. 

I head back over to where i left my bag, i grab the shovel off the side of the bag, as well as some flags from within it, turn my head slightly toward Jazz and call over to him asking "HEY JAZZ, CAN YOU FEEL ME STANDING ON YOUR BODY?" He calls back "YEAH THOUGH IT'S LIKE A LIGHT TOUCH MAYBE CAUSE OF DA SAND!" I nod and call once more "OKAY THEN TELL ME WHEN YOU CAN'T FEEL MY FEET!" i start walking toward him when he calls "CAN'T FEEL YOU BACK UP!" i back-up four steps and he calls "THERE!" i place a marker there, I turn left, and start walking, parallel to him, after a while he calls "THERE!" I place another marker, turn left again, and walk away from him, He yells "YOU WERE JUST ON MAH FOOT SO YOU'RE HEADIN TO MAH OTHER FOOT!" i nod and keep walking, he yells "FOOT!" i laugh, turn left and start walking parallel to him again. I keep walking until i've reached the opposite side of where i put my first marker. I place another one there, and continue walking until Jazz yells "SHOULDER!" I stop, place a marker, and run across from where i am standing, placing another marker where his other shoulder is located. I walk toward roughly the center, turn right and walk, parallel to Jazz, just above his shoulder markers he yells, "FACE!" I place a marker there, turn in the opposite direction, and walk down toward his feet, just a bit after i pass his middle, he yells "INTERFACING UNIT!" I stop and yell back at him "WHAT ON EARTH IS THAT?!" He laughs and yells back "THE FRONT OF MY BUTT!" I'm positive my face, takes on a new color of red, as I place a marker there. I go to the center, grab my shovel, walk up to the head marker and start digging. 

I have just finished uncovering his face when i hear a horn honk. I climb out of my pit that i have made around Jazz's face only to see Bee and Sam driving up, I wave at them. They drive over to where my bike, and Jazz, is sitting and park in the shade. Sam gets out with a shovel, and Bee transforms, they both walk over to me. Sam says "your Mom asked if we could help you and keep an eye on you" to answer my unasked question as to why they were here. I shrug and say "the only thing i've been able to uncover is Jazz's face, which is really cool looking, with the visor and all, so I could use the help." Bee plays his radio language, i am still trying to fully understand it, "{Let's face it} {The larger they are the harder} {to dig up} {Let's have a house party!} 

(A/N: welcome to the show:monster high 'Let's face it you're just catnip'; random saying 'the larger they are the harder they fall'; random saying; house party:no idea, I OWN NOTHING!) 

I look up at him bewildered, i then shrug and say "if that was you saying you're here to help, then be my guest, i'm heading over to the other marker across from the head, you pick any place else" i hear Jazz snicker, as I walk over to the marker and start digging. I think 'Why are you laughing?' Jazz says "Sam and Bee just looked at each other and shrugged then they each went to a shoulder marker and started to dig." I hum in acknowledgement. Once i finally uncover my area i see Jazz's crotch and my mind turns dirty as i start imagining how large he is. I shake my head and think to Jazz 'great now i'm imagining how big you are.' To which i hear Jazz laughing, then he says "you'll find out soon my beautiful femmene." i blush once more and quickly climb out of my ditch. I run over to my bike and grab a bottle of water glaring at Jazz as i drink.

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