Chap. 3 New Friends

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I bike to school in a hurry, when I get there I'm, thankfully, not late so I walk into my classroom. As I walk to my desk, I see Trent, the obnoxious football star, picking on Sam, the resident weirdo, at the same time trying to get Mikaela, the prissy pink jerk, back as his girlfriend. That's when Jazz speaks from within my backpack "hey, dat's Sam! He helped your father beat Megatron." I jump in my seat, then freeze, eyes wide, hoping no one heard Jazz, but when no one looks at me, i sigh and sit down in my seat, which just so happens to be in front of the three, a bit tense. Jazz says "no one but you an' your mom can hear me, so relax and stop worrien'.......uh........... geez it's really hard to nickname you wit your name bein' Austin" I laugh quietly and relax, Trent, behind me, hears my laugh, so he says "yo, Dweeb! wha'chu lafin' 'bout?" I wince at his horrible wording but i know i have to answer him so I sigh, turn toward him, and say "one don't call me a Dweeb, call me Austin" holding up my finger "and two i was laughing about something I just thought of." holding up the second one. "Well?" Trent asks, as i glare at him i say "i just realized you can't give me a nickname because of my name being Austin." Jazz grumbles from my backpack, Trent huffs at me and walks away, and i am still glaring at him. Out of the corner of my sight i see that Sam gets a text on his phone, to which he reads, once he's finished he looks at my backpack then to his phone and he types something back, Mikaela leaves, and i glare at her.

(A/N Bee is underlined Austin is Italics)

My phone buzzes beside Jazz, he yelps in surprise, then moans and my attention is directed to my backpack. I reach into my backpack for my phone and gave him a 'what on earth is wrong with you?' look, to which he laughs at me, again. I take my phone out and on it's screen, it says <Why do you have a spark in your bag?> my eyes widen and i search the room, i look back to my phone and i slowly type back <Who are you? and what's a spark?> trying to act like i don't know anything. I get a quick reply <My name's BumbleBee. I'm the yellow camaro outside the window next to you and a spark is the glowing blue orb in your backpack> i look up out the window to my left and, I do indeed, see a yellow camaro sitting in the parking lot. I must have a confused look on my face because I get another text saying <Hi! Don't flip out, yes i'm a talking car, but that's besides the point. Do you now know what i'm talking about?> Jazz says "say yes, his name's BumbleBee, dough we usually call uhm Bee, he's one of mah friends" i type <okay one, Hi to you too! two not going to flip out and three yes i do know what you are talking about. I was just unsure if you were an ally or an enemy of my friend, i was trying to be cautious. (Little jerk could've said you were his friend sooner.) I'm sorry for lying> i smile as the camaro's horn blares, i hear whispered "scrap" from behind me, and typing of a phone, which i'm guessing is Sam texting the camaro telling him to shush. I get another text <LOL! It's okay, i would be cautious to, so anyway can you tell me whose spark you have?> I look back at my backpack then to my phone and i type <um, i actually need their help. I'm to find my dad, and they say they know them, also they haven't said if I could tell you who they are.> <okie-dokie, no worries. I'm glad one of my kind, even if they are dead, is willing to help a human in need> I look out the window and smile at the camaro, he honks at me and i giggle. 

That's when the teacher walks in, he tells us that the school is closing early because it's supposed to be another really hot day, continues on telling us to get out any of our extra work we didn't finish the night before and finish it now, or if we have done it already to read a book or play with our phones but only if they are on mute. I turn off the sound on my phone and I pull up one of my apps and play it for about five minutes. I get bored so i reach into my bag and grab my book The School for Good and Evil A World Without Princes, (A/N I own nothing) accidentally brushing Jazz, he hums, i roll my eyes, bring the book in front of me and start reading. I'm barely a paragraph in from where i began reading, when my phone lights up, showing me that i have a new text <Hey! I've read the first book of that series before> I raise my eyebrow and text <really? talking cars have time to read? nevermind, anyway who's your favorite character?> <yes we have time to read, and Agatha!> <really!? She's my favorite to!> <hehe, great minds think alike. Am I right?> I roll my eyes and type back <so i have a question. How did you like the ending of the first book?> <i thought it was sweet but i want to know what happens in book two, as well as how many books are there?> <well i've read three, (this is my second time reading them) and i think there's going to be a fourth coming out soon> <REALLY!? Wow i'm way behind> I chuckle quietly and type back <anyway, the second one is about Agatha and Sophie going back to the school> <I kind of figured that, tell me something more> <alright but spoilers> <I don't care> <instead of school for good and evil, it's the school for boys and girls and the girls are really annoying and idiots, who should be a lot more cautious, well, all except for Sophie's old roommates they're normal, scratch that Dot's acts a little odd> <Really? annoying and idiots. Sounds exactly like Mikaela> i notice that the name Mikaela is in italics so i type <going to go on a limb here and say you don't like Mikaela?> <No I don't! I want my Sammy all to myself> i raise an eyebrow and type <you love him, don't you?> <yes and the sad part is every single friend of mine can see it. Except him!> <well i can become a sort of cupid for you and him> <really!?> <yep> <oh my primus! that would be so awesome! But probably not so much for Sam> 

i type back <it'll be no problem> <how can you assume that? Also how exactly would you get him to see that i like him?> <that's easy i used to live next door to Sam so i know a bit about him> <really like what?> <he loves cars, he loves spaghetti and chicken balls (he doesn't like beef unless it's in a burger), he hates anyone hurting his baby (he had a little puppy, he considered his baby, back then, (i think he now has two dogs now) and the only crush he's had on a human was Mikaela> <wow, that's all true. wait, was Mikaela?> <yep, let me explain, everytime i see him with Mikaela he looks a little sad but when i see him walk up to you i see him light up like a christmas tree (i thought it was because you were his first car and it was a man and his car kind of bond, now i think it is something else)> <really? You think so?> <i don't think so, i know so> <well you just made my day, oh! before i forget (or you go) can i tell my boss you have a spark with you so either me or one of my friends can watch over you? To make sure no enemies hurt you.> Jazz says "well dis conversation is enlightening, and to answer his question, yes he can tell his boss 'cause his boss, is my boss, which means he's your father." I smile and type <sure go ahead, the spark says they used to know your boss, and well i don't really have a preference>. Just then the bell rings, signaling the end of class, i get up, grab my bag and walk to my locker. I get my stuff ready for the day even though it's only going to be a half day, that's when an idea, that will help me hit three birds with one stone, hits me 'a car wash! I could ask Sam, and Bee for help washing cars to get them closer together, it will help me raise enough money to get the stuff i need for trekking into the desert and i might get my dad there and be able to meet him.' "brilliant plan if ah do say so mahself" Jazz says from within my bag I jump then quickly whisper, "you can read my mind?" "yep" he replies, i sigh. 

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