one / followed

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I opened the front door and threw my backpack onto the floor, before throwing myself onto the black leather couch.

"Mom, I'm home." I said, muffled by the throw pillows.

Kicking off my combat boots, I began filling up a cup of arizona tea and sitting back down on the couch. As my phone lay on my thigh, I grabbed my laptop out of my backpack before logging onto twitter (of course on my 5 Seconds of Summer fan account) and doing my daily dose of spamming the boys, but mostly Ashton. In all my spams, I was sure to tag my personal twitter so that maybe- just maybe- if they came across it one day, they could see what I look like. It sounded like a good idea at the time of writing my little copy-and-pasted spam message, but now I just hit the "ctrl" and "v" key on my laptop and press send tweet at least 100 times an hour, so it doesn't matter what's really in the message to me. 

"Hey, Em." I hear my mom enter the kitchen and pour herself something to drink, but like always I'm way too wound up with stalking this damn band to even look up at her.

"Hi, Mom." I mutter, hoping she heard me as I'm too distracted to make a further effort towards communication.

I feel a dip in the couch and I know my mother's joined me for reruns of America's Next Top Model, as we always do after school. My dad left when I was little, so ever since it's just been us. But honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way.

"New tweet from @Michael5SOS: 'Houston, we had a wonderful time tonight, thanks so much for having us. Ashton's probably gonna tweet something soon too, either that or he's stalking this girl's twitter again. Love you guys xx'"

I sighed and closed my laptop, feeling a pang of jealousy towards whoever Ashton was looking at. As if on cue, my phone buzzed with a notification from my personal twitter.

"@Ashton5SOS and 3 others followed you."


wow i bet you totally didn't see that coming wow huge shocker wowowowow.

ok obviously that was so easy to tell and if u didn't get it i'm so v sorry 4 u tbh. anyywayyyyzzzzz i started a new fanfic yayayayayyay. i thought this one might be more enjoyable bccc it's way more relatable. and i picture lily collins as emma (((that's the girl who's pov this is if ya didn't get that)))) but only certain pictures of lily collins, so i attatched a picture that basically describes how i feel she looks on a daily basis. ALSOOOOO I KNOW SHE SAYS SOME WEIRD STUFF BUT LBR HERE WE ALL THINK IT OK if not thats awk bc if you don't fantasize about ashton then ur not human. LASTLYYY yayayaaayayya A NON LUKE FIC OMFG ok sry for annoying AN but ill seeeee yaaa l8888rrrrrrrrr oki bye

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