seventeen / interview

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ash: em i'm sorry

ash: i'm so so so sorry 

ash: s o r r y

em: ashton it's okay

em: i'm sorry

em: i just got so wrapped up

em: i thought i was more than just a fan

em: and i'm sorry

em: that was wrong of me, not you

ash: em 

ash: you're so much more

ash: so so so much

ash: more than just a fan

ash: fan is not anywhere in any of the words i'd use to describe you

em: i dunno ashton

em: i just don't know

ash: i'll prove it to you

em: wut

ash: make sure you watch our interview tonight

ash: we're gonna be on with jimmy fallon

em: okay

ash: i gotta go for soundcheck

ash: but you're so so important em

ash: please don't forget it .xx

I sighed and laid back down on my bed, waiting for Jimmy Fallon to come on my T.V.


The boys and I sat down on the couch next to Jimmy Fallon after waving at the audience. Then the interview began.

"So boys," Jimmy cleared his throat, "I'm just going to cut right to the chase here and ask a question that millions of girls are dying to know."

We all nodded along as he continued.

"Who's single, and who isn't?" Jimmy smiled at the audience before turning back to us.

"Ashton's got a friend." Michael smirked at me, causing me to groan and roll my eyes.

"Who is she?" Jimmy presses, leaning forward in his chair.

"U-um, her names E-Emma," I stutter, playing with my thumbs, "but I really screwed things up with her." I glance up at the camera, before fixing my view right on the lens. "Em, if you're watching right now, which you better be since I told you too," I chuckle, "I'm so so so so s-"

"We get it." Calum groaned, earning muffled giggles from the crowd.

"Sorry." I sighed at the camera, ignoring Calum.

I turned back to the audience before continuing.

"I messed up really badly. Really awfully terribly just awful oh my gosh." I rambled, "but Em means the world to me and I haven't known her for long but it feels like forever, and I'm still so sorry."

The audience errupts with cheers and 'woos', earning a grin from Jimmy.


Holy shit. He did not. 

He did.

Oh my gosh.

I calm myself down before sitting back on my sofa and continuing watching the interview, laughing along with the boys and drifting to sleep.


well hows that for a sucky chapter

HAHAAHAHAH i suck im sry

i havent updated in 4 days shoot me pls

anyways hope ya enjoYYEDD bye.

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