thirteen / confessions

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bryce: come answer the door bitch

me: did you bring chickfila

bryce: maybe

"Well that was fast." Bryce giggled as I opened the door and I just rolled my eyes before snatching the Chick-Fil-A bag out of his hand and running back upstairs, leaving the front door open so he knew to follow me.

Bryce came into my room and closed the door behind him, and I was already scarfing down fries.

"So," He began and I groaned, knowing Chick-Fil-A came with a catch.

"Oh shut up you little whore," I rolled my eyes at him, "What's going on with Daddy?"

I chucked a nearby throwpillow at his head and he just laughed.

"What?" He chuckled.

"You did not just call him Daddy." I was now in a fit of laughter, obviously.

"Oh, I did." Bryce grinned. "I saw on tumblr that he likes it." He winked at me and I just laughed.

"Okay anyways," I attempted to change the subject, "nothings happening with us currently if you must know."

"Oh, bullshit." He snapped immediately after I finished and I just blushed.

"I already told you." I began counting the stitching to my blanket on my bed.

"Don't tell me!" Bryce exclaimed, "Tell him!" I groaned and flopped onto my bed when my phone vibrated.

ash: hey em

ash: i've gotta talk to you

me: um sure

me: what about

ash: i duno how to put it

"Shit, Bryce, he's gonna tell me he never wants to talk to me again." I whine and bury my face into a pillow.

"Oh would you stop it." He rolled his eyes at me, "Tell him!"

I rolled my eyes and went back to texting.

me: it's fine

me: whatever it is just tell me

me: i promise i won't make fun or anything

ash: it's embarrassing ugh

me: would u stop it

me: i bet it's not even bad

ash: ok fine

me: oki

ash: emma i know we've only been talking for like 2 weeks or maybe less i haven't kept track does that mean i'm a bad person i duno but like um yeah i know you like barely know me but i feel like i know you and i duno how this is even possible bc we've never even met i mean you could be a total bitch in real life who knows but um i duno how this even happened but somewhere between the lines of that night of me stalking your twitter and today i caught feelings for you and i know this probably makes things awkward and you may never want to talk to me again but i just want you to know how i feel and i like you em. i like you a lot.

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