fourteen / slave

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a u t h o r ' s n o t e ;

i recommend reading the a/n at the end of this chapter + i attatched a pic of bryce!!


I let out a loud laugh as Bryce raises a perfectly waxed eyebrow at me and I just keep laughing.

"Your dreams may come true, Bryce." I say between laughs, holding my stomach.

"Why?" His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree (a/n; wow that was gr8 ik)

"Ashton says he thinks you're pretty cute." I shot him a wink and within a second he was on the ground in a fit of laughter, joining me.

"Tell him I'm available." Bryce laughs once we calm down and I nod before texting Ashton.

me: bryce wants you to know he's 1000% single

me: and ready 2 mingle

ash: tell him i'll definitely consider hopping into his pants one day

ash: wait

ash: em

ash: don't take that seriously

ash: the only pants i would hop into would be yours

ash: and that's a promise btw

me: omfg

me: you did not just try to make that work

me: did you rly

ash: i might've

ash: it worked though

ash: you have to admit

me: you have 3rd grade comebacks i s2g

me: you're insane

I locked my phone and turned to Bryce with a content smile on my face.

"Movie night?" He claps his large hands together and jumps with excitement as I nod my head and get up to go grab my iPad. I lay on my stomach with the iPad propped up against my pillow as Bryce joins me and I quickly open the netflix app and browse through the movies.

"I'm thinking romance movie?" Bryce winks at me and I just roll my eyes.

"Back off, Williams." I tease, "He's mine." Bryce rolls his eyes.

"Whatever you say, babe." He giggles and I laugh with him.

"Except," I pause, "he's actually not mine." I laugh at the fact I assumed he was. I'm clingy and we're not even dating wow okay.

Bryce and I decide on the movie Now Is Good and end up sobbing messes by the end.

"That was terrible." I whine as Bryce reaches over to whipe my cheek and giggles at his own tears.

"No," Bryce shakes his head, "It was terribly brilliant."

"How many times have we seen that movie?" He adds.

I shake my head furiously, "Too many times." I sniff, "Never again."

"You said that last time." Bryce pointed out, and I hit him playfully.

"I mean it this time." I sniff again and grab my phone from under my blanket (didn't want Bryce grabbing it during the movie because lord knows what he would've done).

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