eleven / 106.5

866 30 2


I perked up in my seat as I earned a weird glance from my teacher, giving him a small smile.

"You're listening to MIX106.5 and here today we have a very special guest, Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings from the ever-so-popular band, 5 Seconds of Summer."

I hear Ashton giggle and I stifle my own laugh.

"We're so happy to be here today." Luke says, and I immediately hear the pure fakeness in his voice as he's talking to the radio host.

"Personally I'd rather be sleeping." Ashton adds his own commentary.

"Or texting Emma." I hear Luke mumble and my body goes rigid. He did not.

"Shut up, Luke." Ashton groans loudly into the microphone as Luke giggles.

"So who's this Emma girl?" The radio interviewer questions and I can tell by his smug tone that Ashton is nervous.


The radio interviewer sends me a smug grin and I stiffen in my seat. 

How am I supposed to answer this?

Do I tell the truth?

No, no, god no. Emma would think I'm weird.

"She's a really good friend of mine." I smile at Luke and the interviewer and Luke rolls his eyes.

"Not what I heard." Luke sings as he raises his eyebrows suggestively.

I punch Luke in the arm before turning back to my microphone and smiling at the interviewer who is now obviously suspicious.

"So is Emma your girlfriend?" He presses.

"Nope." I reply, popping the p.

"Not yet." Luke mumbles again and I consider shoving the microphone down his throat but decide against it since we're live. Although I'm sure millions of girls would pay to hear the sounds that go on inside of Luke's throat so then again maybe I'd be doing the station a favor.

"So you 2 are spending time together?" He presses more.

"No, I wouldn't say that." I stutter slightly, "I-I mean, not really."

Luke scoffs and I take the silence as a chance to change the subject onto more about our band and less about Emma. God, she's gonna kill me.

After many questions about what "muke af" means and "5sos defense team", the interview is finally over and I text Em.

me: i'm sosososo sorry

me: jeez 

me: most awkward radio show i've ever done

me: sorry your name kept coming up

me: luke wouldn't stfu

em: it's okay ash

em: it was pretty fun listening to you stutter over me

me: gr8

me: glad i amused you

em: you did

em: i ignored the first half of my biology lecture

em: help me ignore the rest

me: how do you make a tissue dance

me: you put a little bOOGIE IN IT

em: oh jesus

me: what do you call a sad coffee

me: a depresso

em: maKE IT STOP

me: why was the chef arrested

me: he kept beating the eggs

em: you're awfUL

me: you love it

em: yeah

em: i guess i do


guess who's back



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ok so how about that shit ending i mean rly couldn't i have done a little better i mean cmon

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