fifteen / days

916 26 4


me: ashTON

me: guess

me: what

me: omgomgomg

me: fifteen days

me: f i f t e e n

me: that's like

me: 2 weeks

me: 2 more weeks of school

me: and hell

me: and torture

me: and then i get to see you 

ash: i'm vv excited

ash: bc em

ash: we get to meet

ash: like in person

ash: irl

me: i knOW

me: don't be freaked out tho

me: bc i'm mega awkward

me: and vv annoying

me: i was voted most annoying in 8th gr

me: ok that's a lie but still

ash: em

ash: stfu

ash: i bet you're perfectly fine

ash: i bet you're even better in person

ash: than you are over text

ash: i bet you're even m o r e amazing

ash: if that's possible

ash: ;))))))))

me: r u trying to get to bryce thru me

me: i c right thru u irwin

me: tsk tsk

ash: damn

ash: you caught me

me: no but frfr u cheesy af bro

ash: thnx :)

me: not a compliment

ash: still taking it as one sweetie ;)

me: well you shouldn't

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