three / believe me now?

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"Holy shit." I said just above a whisper.

Bryce's face was still completely paled as he looked up at me with wide eyes. 

"Reply!" He said in a 'duh' tone.

My fingers quickly typed a reply to Ashton as I was still shaking from him actually texting me. 

me: oh shit

ashton fucking irwin: told you it was really me x

me: um but how did you find my twitter

ashton fucking irwin: you spammed me, duh

me: but i didn't think you'd ever see it omg

ashton fucking irwin: don't worry, i saw all your tweets to me ;) x

Shit. I had sent Ashton some pretty embarrassing tweets. There were your basic "I love you's" but there were also the times I would reply to his general tweets saying things like "fist my asshole". Jesus, I'm so stupid. I never really meant any of the dirty comments literally I guess, although I thought about it. (Who wouldn't though, I mean c'mon.). 

"Shit, Bryce." I gasped. He raised an eyebrow at me, cueing me to continue.

"He's seen my twitter pictures!" I screeched, "There's pictures of me on my twitter! He knows how gross I look, oh my god." I dropped my face into my hands and sighed.

"Okay you're a lot of things, but you're not gross." Bryce scoffed. "You're hot, and you know that."

I threw a pillow at him, "Shut up, liar." We began laughing and I realized I still haven't replied to Ashton.

me: oh god so you know what i look like

me: i'm screwed now wow

ashton fucking irwin: yes i saw you, and that's a good thing. you're incredibly gorgeous, hun x

I rolled my eyes, knowing Ashton was just being nice to a fan, but still a blush crept up my cheeks.

me: how'd you even get my number

ashton fucking irwin: you gave it to someone through twitter, and i saw it. you probably shouldn't post your number on twitter

me: well i wasn't exactly expecting an australian drummer to find it and text me

ashton fucking irwin: well get used to it, babe xx

me: why'd you text me anyways

ashton fucking irwin: i dunno, i saw your pictures

me: i'm surprised your screen didn't shatter

ashton fucking irwin: ha ha very funny

me: wait a minute

me: shit

me: you saw ALL of my tweets

ashton fucking irwin: ;) yes i did em

me: you know my name wtf

ashton fucking irwin: is that bad

me: no, just surprised.

ashton fucking irwin: well em, the boys are gonna start asking questions if i continue to ignore them, plus we have an interview to do in a little bit. i'll text you when we're done xx

I almost forgot Bryce was sitting across from me on my bed, looking at me with eyes full of greed for the gossip.

"Well?" He said excitedly.

"He has an interview but he's gonna text me after." I grinned at Bryce, still confused.

"Jeez, I thought he was just gonna text you one time as a fan surprise thing, but I guess you're special, Em." 

I scoffed, "Yeah, definitely." I rolled my eyes.

Bryce and I ended up watching a ton of sappy movies and then falling asleep like we always do, but I was woken up by my phone buzzing.

ashton fucking irwin: can we try something

me: sure?

I laid back down next to Bryce with my phone rested on my stomach, waiting for a reply. 3 minutes later, it started buzzing like crazy. I picked it up and my heart dropped.

"Incoming Call From: ashton fucking irwin"

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