Chapter Five

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The Chaos of Redemption

Chapter Five

"Daddy!" Melanie squealed, a bright grin taking over her lips. She got up from the floor of the living area and ran towards the veranda with her mother's gaze following her.

"Anakin!" Padme smiled, putting down the toy in her hands. She got to her feet and soon ran after her giggling daughter.

"Hey Mel," Anakin gave his daughter a weak smile, the words of Yoda still fresh in his head as if he had just spoken them. He picked her up and spun her around in his arms, his worries melting away with every motion. Padme caught up with them, joining her daughter in her husband's embrace.

"Hi Angel," He gave her a kiss on her temple, the sad smile still glued to his face. Padme turned her head up to give him a kiss on his cheek but she hesitated once she saw his expression. Something was wrong once again but the question is what?

"Princess, why don't you clean up your toys so we can have a snack with your father?" Padme noticed that Anakin knew he was caught, his free hand going up behind his neck.

Melanie gave Anakin a kiss on his cheek before he carefully set her down on the veranda's platform before running inside. "She's really something, isn't she?" Anakin tried smirking but he knew it was pointless. Padme knows him entirely too well to fall for the subject change; she would see right through him.

"Ani, what's wrong?" Padme stood in front of him so he couldn't walk away. "Don't tell me its nothing because I know its-" She was stopped by his lips, meeting hers in a soft yet firm embrace.

Anakin pulled away, "Stuff went down at the temple with the Jedi council and the Chancellor. We'll talk when Mel goes down for a nap, alright?"

Padme reluctantly agreed, taking him by the hand and leading him into the kitchen. Pulling out Melanie and Anakin's favorite blue jawa juice, Padme glanced over her shoulder at her husband. He was leaning on the countertop's edge, his palms rubbing against his eyes; he was definitely stressed and fatigued by whatever was going on with him. "We can talk about the details later," She kept her gaze on him as she slid a plate of grapes, crackers and cheeses out of the cooler. "At least give me something so I don't have to worry while we eat."

Anakin stepped over and gently set his hands on her forearms, rubbing them up and down lightly. "The reason I'm beyond late is because after I left and went to the temple, Palpatine called me in. He appointed me as his representative on the Jedi Council. The Council wasn't happy; they put me on but wouldn't grant me the rank of Master. That's not even the worst part though!"

"What's the worst part then, Daddy?"

Padme and Anakin turned their attention to Melanie, who stood at the left entrance to the kitchen. Cuddles the Teddy Bear hung loosely at her side as her gaze was fixed on her parents and her mouth was focused on her right thumb.

"Nothing, my sweet," Anakin glanced at Padme, giving her a look that could only be interpreted as 'we will finish this later' in silence. "The worst part is that Daddy is late coming home to you and Mommy."

"Daddy, you haven't been home in almost a whole moon!"

Padme glanced at her daughter, hating the fact she was smart enough to remember how long her father had been gone. Originally, he had planned to come home later the day he left but things got in the way and a few hours turned into nearly three weeks. She had missed his company and she knew the Melanie had too but Padme felt bad that their daughter might've struck a guilty nerve for Anakin.

"That's enough, Mel. Let's eat and then, maybe your father will tuck you in bed for a nap."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Sweet Dreams, Baby," Anakin kissed Melanie's forehead as he pulled the covers up over her and Mr. Cuddles.

"Daddy, will you be here when I wake up?"

Anakin stood up from her bedside, smoothing down her curls with a soft, tired smile on his face. "Yep, I'll be here until the rotation after next. I love you, Melanie..."

She popped her thumb in her mouth and looked at her father as he walked to her door. "I love you too, Daddy..." The metal door hissed closed as her double-colored eyes shut.

Anakin ran a hand through his hair, taking in a deep breath when the door finally closed. It seemed like every moment he had with his daughter was just like every moment he shared with his wife.

Too short to last at all long, stolen away from the time he didn't have to spare.

Shaking off the wave of tiredness his body was being hit by, Anakin proceeded down the stairs and into the living area where Padme was waiting for him. He smiled warmly as he sat down next to her; she smiled back only to cringe in pain.

"Padme?" Anakin turned to her, his worry and concern instantly putting him on high alert. She waved her slender hand in his direction.

"The Baby's just kicking up a storm right now, calm down Daddy."

Anakin chuckled, relief washing over him as she leaned into him with a smile on her face. "You wanna feel him?"

"I think you mean her and yes, I'd love to."

Padme shook her head and took his hand in hers. She slid it over the surface of her swollen abdomen, watching Anakin's face light up when his hand went over the right spot.

"Have you ever thought that we were serving the wrong side? That the democracy we once thought we were serving no longer exists?"

Anakin was caught off guard and his reaction even shocked Padme.

This was going to be an interesting afternoon...

(Star Wars) ~ The Chaos of Redemption (To Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now