Chapter 6

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After dinner, we all pitched in to help clean up. That was the best pasta I have ever tasted and the cherry delight was to die for. I'll take that over cake any day.

Wren was washing dishes when I brought the last of the dirty ones to the sink. She smiled up at me when I placed them in the water.

"So, is Sugar going to be at the club tonight?" Sam asks as he takes a seat at the table.

Wren stiffens at the mention of Sugar's name. Does she not like her?

We all turn our attention to Reese waiting for his reply.

I would also like to know if Sugar will be there. Even the girls at our other locations talk about her. And I have seen the videos of her dancing and let me tell you that girl has some moves. The way her body moves to the music is hypnotizing.

"Yes, she'll be there. Why do you ask?" Reese asks and stands beside Wren. I glance between the two of them. They sure are acting strange.

"Well, I wanted to see one of her shows live while I was here and possibly meet her," he says, shrugging his shoulders.

Not going to lie, I also want to see her dance. That would be a great birthday gift. I have talked to many of our associates who have got to see her perform and they say she is worth the time.

"Well that is all up to Wren, here," he says patting her on her back.

I look at Reese briefly in confusion. He isn't making any sense. The last time I checked we owned the club, not her.

"No offense Wren, but why is it up to her?" Matt questions Reese. I can hear the confusion in his voice. We all look at Reese and wait for him to speak.

Reese looks around the room and clears his throat. "She plans all the shows, that's why."

Ah, that's right! I do remember him telling me that she takes care of the event planning and schedules.

"Besides you guys don't need to go to the club to meet her when she's been sitting in front of you the entire night," he says looking at Wren with a smile on his face.

She freezes in her place. All eyes are now on her. She can't be Sugar...can she?

"So let me get this straight. What you're telling us is that Wren, is Sugar?" Sean asks.

Not once did Reese mention that Wren was Sugar. Wren, turns away from the sink, giving us her full attention. Reese snakes his arm around her waist and pulls her gently into his side.

Reese grabs her hand and spins her around slowly, showing her off like she's a trophy. I take a step back and examine her closely from head to toe and I'm not the only one. From what I have seen of Sugar, online, she definitely looks like her. My eyes widen when the realization hits me.

"Oh my god you really are Sugar," I shout in surprise.

The giggle she lets out almost makes me crumble before her. Just when I thought she couldn't get any hotter she does.

"Limo is here," Reese says bringing me from my thoughts. Wren rushes towards the door like she's escaping from a burning building.

Before the guys and I even make it to the door Wren is already climbing into the limo. How a woman can run in heels without breaking anything will forever remain a mystery to me. We enter the limo and begin our short journey to the club.

Wren stays silent the entire ride. We arrive at the club a few minutes later. Someone opens the door and Wren quickly exits the limo. Wren meets us at the door and we all walk in together. The music gets louder the further we venture in. Bodies dance all around us as Wren leads us to the VIP section.

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