Chapter 31

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The sun kisses my skin as I lay on the beach soaking up the sun

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The sun kisses my skin as I lay on the beach soaking up the sun. Birds of all kinds fly over head singing their own melody. The sound of waves crashing against the rocks is like music to my ears. I stand from my beach towel and brush away what little sand I had on me. A light breeze hits my face and I suck in the salty smell of the water. The sand feels so warm beneath my feet as I make my way into the ocean. As I swim further and further from the shore, the calmer the water became. Water has always been a great way to disconnect from the everyday stressors of life. After floating around on my back, I decided to dive as deep as my lungs would let me. I stop in the middle of my descent and look up at the sun shining down in the water. It's like a entirely different world down here. A school of very vibrant colored fish begin to circle around me in perfect synchronicity. One breaks free from the school and swims very close to me. I reach my hand out and brush the slimy, scaly surface of the fish and it scurries away, rejoining the school. A large shadowy figure can be seen lingering in the distance. As I adjust my eyes the figure disappears into the murky background. All of a sudden the fish scatter in all different directions as a large shark begins to barrel it's way in my direction, bearing its large white sharp teeth. I scream, but all that came out was bubbles of air. After dodging it's attack, I begin to swim as fast as I could towards the surface, but the harder I swam, the further away the surface seemed to be.

I snap my eyes open and feel the sudden urge to vomit. I spring from my bed and run as fast as I could to the bathroom with my hand covering my mouth, praying that I make it in time. Collapsing on my knees in front of the toilet, I empty the contents of my stomach. My throat begins burns like I've just swallowed fire. I rest my arms on the rim of the toilet seat and place my head on my arms. A large chunk of hair falls from my messy bun. The more I brush it out the way, trying prevent a disaster, more hair falls back down with it.

There is one thing I hate in this world more than anything and that's throwing up. I feel someone grab my hair from my sweaty hands, holding it back for me. When I thought I was finished, I flushed the toilet and sat on the floor, pressing my back against the cold surface of the bathtub. That's when my eyes landed on Draven. He was the one holding my hair back.

I didn't mean to wake him. "I'm sorry if I woke you. I tried to be as quiet as possible." I begin to feel a embarrassed.

He grabs a washcloth from the towel rack and wets it in the sink. He then squats down in front of me and begins to wipe my face, "Don't worry about that. Are you okay?" You can hear the concern in his voice.

Just as I was about to answer, I felt the vomit rapidly racing up my throat. I push him out the way just in time for it to miss him and hit the floor where he was just moments ago. That is exactly what I didn't want to happen. Not only am I sick, but now I have to clean up my mess on top of it. I rub my temples, trying to stop the pounding in my head.

"Do you think it was the food?"

"No, she threw up before you guys left," Reese says from the door, while holding a glass of ice water.

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