Chapter 20

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Reese and I have been sitting outside on the porch for a while now, while Wren tends to the children, getting them all settled down for the evening

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Reese and I have been sitting outside on the porch for a while now, while Wren tends to the children, getting them all settled down for the evening. Watching her run around all day had me exhausted for her. I don't know how she does it. I would have probably lost my mind by now.

Reese comes back out on the porch with a beer in each hand and hands me one. I thank him and take a large swig of the cold beverage. He takes a seat next to me on the porch swing, and slouches back comfortably. We both sit silently, enjoying the quiet evening.

I have to give Reese a lot of credit as well. I have always viewed my brother as being this reckless individual who would never grow up. But after seeing him with Wren and all these children, I was wrong. I seen a side of him I never thought I would ever get to see. Our parents will be proud of the man he has become. I know I am.

I take another swig of my beer and think back to the somewhat private moment, Wren and I shared on the porch earlier today. The look on her face when I opened up to her, was a look I will never forget. You could definitely tell she wasn't expecting it.

At first I wasn't going to do it. I feared she would throw my past in my face and reject me on the spot. But after having a heart to heart talk with Reese, he assured me that Wren would never hold my past over my head. He also suggested that I had a talk with her children before I went along with it and I did.

Grayson seemed a little timid about the whole thing at first, which I don't blame him. He along with his mom and sister have been through a lot together and I understand his uneasiness. In the end, I eventually gained his trust. Oakley on the other hand didn't take much convincing. The moment I told her what my intentions were she wanted me to do it right then and there.

A smile makes it's way onto my face. I can't remember the last time I have smiled this much.

"So I have to tell you something, but you have to swear you won't get mad," Reese's voice pulls me from my thoughts.

I turn to Reese giving him my undivided attention. "Has anyone ever told you, you shouldn't start a conversation out with, 'I have to tell you something, but you have to swear you won't get mad'? Cause nine times out of ten that person is going to get mad?" It's true. When someone starts a conversation off with those words, it's never good.

I laugh at his annoyance.

" Are you done? It's about Wren!"

My laughter immediately ceases with the mention of her name. I nod my head allowing him continue.

He proceeds to tell me that, Wren has been 'secretly' taking self-defends class and that James, called him a little worried he may have went a little too hard on her today and wanted to make sure she was okay. I am a little upset that he left a mark on her perfect body, but after hearing that he called to make sure she was okay, put my mind at ease. Even though I really don't like the fact that she is working with a man as dangerous as James, I know him well enough to know he wouldn't do anything to harm her intentionally.

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