Chapter 14

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Reese has a big event planned for this weekend

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Reese has a big event planned for this weekend. A club theme mascaraed to be exact and I have decided to fly in and surprise him. He is celebrating our 10 year anniversary of being in business. In all honesty, it hasn't crossed my mind. My mind has been else where lately.

I didn't only fly in for his event though. I'm also here to discuss some very important business with him as well. Business that doesn't just include the club and can't be discussed over the phone. Our clubs have been used to help smuggle drugs and weapons to our customers undetected for many years now. And has been running smoothly, until now.

One of our suppliers men have been busted attempting to deliver a shipment of weapons to one of our clubs. In all the years we have been involved with the underground trade, we have never had any issues like this. Which leads me to believe there is a rat amongst us. And I need Reese's help to flush it out. Reese has more connections than I do and can cover more ground than I can.

I have spoken to our supplier John, personally about a possible rat and he agreed with my assumption and is doing a complete investigation into his own men as well. We have to figure this out and fast. This can cause a lot of problems with our customers if word gets out.

Neither party can afford to have cops lingering around asking questions. It's just not good for either business. I lay sprawled out on my hotel bed racking my brain for answers and can't come up with any. Most of our men have been with us since the beginning. So I don't see any of them betraying me or Reese.

That only leaves a select few that needs to be watched more carefully. I yawn and stretch myself out further on the bed. My phone dings from my pocket bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Well speak of the devil."

Reese: "Did you think you could come to town without me knowing?"

I blink my eyes repeatedly rereading the message. How the hell does he do that? No matter what he always knows when I'm in town. I sigh! So much for surprising him.

Me: "I'm starting to think you are my personal stalker!"

While I wait for his message my mind drift to Wren. Thinking back to the brief time I got to spend with her back in New York always puts a smile on my face. To be honest I'm actually nervous to see her again. I haven't spoken to her in over a week and I cant help but worry that she may regret what happened between us. My phone dings again and I lazily glance at my phone.

Reese: "You wish I was your stalker! Anyway, I assume you will be attending tonight's event?"

Me: "You have assumed correctly"

Reese: "Good, make sure you wear a mask."

I look at the message blankly. I'm not fucking stupid. I know what a mascaraed is. I actually had a mask stored way from a Halloween event from a few years back when I dressed up as Zero. I knew it would come in handy one day!

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