Chapter 40

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Draven and I sit quietly in the living room

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Draven and I sit quietly in the living room. It's been a little over twenty four hours since...Wren has been taken and neither Draven nor myself have got a wink of sleep. How can we when the woman we hold so dearly to our heart is in immense danger?

After our father left, we stayed behind and managed to cleaned up most of the mess they left behind. If Wren was to see all of what they did, after she spent hours cleaning, she would have lost her shit and by losing her shit, she might have tried to stab them. I smirk at the thought. She can be a feisty one when she wants to be.

The kids are still staying with our parents and have no idea what's going on and hopefully they won't find out. Greyson has proven to be a pretty good detective, so we will have to make sure to watch ourselves when he is around.

I feel so helpless. All we have been doing is sitting around, waiting for any developments. Strict orders from our father. He says someone needs to be here just in case ransom demands are called in, or delivered.

From what our mother has told us, he has been working around the clock trying to locate, Wren.

In a normal kidnapping case, the faster you locate the missing person, the better the chances are of finding them alive, but in this particular situation it's bleak. This is a case of passion and revenge.

We know for a fact that Penelope is behind this, but we have no clue where she is and who she is working with.

I glance over at Draven, who is slouched back in his chair. His hair is a mess and his eyes are red and swollen from crying. The last time I seen him this emotional was when our dog died when we were kids.

I rub my hands roughly over my face. I can't imagine that my appearance is any better. I have found myself crying several times out of nowhere, just thinking about what she could be going through. I even found myself wondering if she was even still alive, but quickly forced that thought away.

The hardest thing is not knowing. God, I hope she is okay.

Draven's phone rings making us both jump. He quickly answers and and looks at me. "We'll be right there," he says, hanging up his phone and standing. "Dad wants us to come to the warehouse. He says he has news."

I nod and follow him out the door. The fact that he said he has news and not good news is a little alarming and my mind can't help but think the worst, and by how eerily calm Draven is acting, I know he's thinking the same thing.

We have seen this all before. People go missing all the time and most of the time their found in the woods and occasionally the river, but never in a million years would I have thought that my family would ever be one of the ones suffering.

As we pull onto the dirt road, I hear Draven sigh. "I'm scared, Reese," his voice is broken. "I don't think I have ever been so scared in my life."

Truth is, neither have I. Normally people know better than to mess with the Knight family, but you always have that one asshole.

"Me too, brother. Me too," I find myself saying. It was the first thing that popped in my mind.

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