I Was Always Here For You-PT.•1Jeongin

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"Hyedam,let me see your arm,please?"He asks her.

"I-here..."She mumbles loud enough for the fox-faced boy who rolled her sleeve up,greeted by cuts,scars and burns.

"I told you already,Dam,stop it.I can't live in this world without you..."The boy says,tears brimming his eyes.

"It's painful,Jeongin.You don't know what pain is,you don't know what I go through."Her tone turns cold,distant yet pained.


"I'm sorry..."He's too late.

She ran off,to the rooftops of Seoul.Her favourite,the abandoned building near the outskirts of the city that she used to go to whenever she felt lost,hurt,pained.

"I'm such a nuisance to Jeongin..."She whispered to herself.

"You're not..."She hears a voice whisper beside her ear.

"Jeongin?"She questions the voice.

"..."Silence replied her with the cold wind.

Her final wish,her final action before her death,was to dance 1 last time to the song that she composed for Jeongin which she was supposed to sing for him on his birthday as her gift and video it for him to keep as his last memory of her.

"Hey,Jeongin.I know by the time you're watching this,I'm dead already and it's rough for you right now,it's painful,I know.But,I had to do it,to save you.Something out there,is hunting for you and our friends.If I didn't do this,you'd die,our friends would.I'm doing this for you.It's painful for me to leave you aswell but I have to.This will hopefully be something you can treasure when I leave this world.I...love you,Jeongin.I really do and I always have.That's a promise.Bring a bouqet to to my dad,mom and sister's grave every year,just like I did.Do it for me otherwise I can never rest in peace and this video is for you.I love you guys.Always,to infinity and beyond,to the moon and back,around the galaxy then to universe,I'll always love you guys."She tells the camera and as soon as she finishes the mini speech,she plays the song.Her tears that roll down her cheeks,her pointes that touch the floor ever so gracefully,her hair which flows like a river whenever she unties her hair,it'll all be gone within the next 5 minutes.

"Thank you,Jeongin.Thank you,to Chan who cares for me,to Felix who makes me laugh,to Woojin whose hugs make me smile,to Seungmin who teaches me to be happy,to Changbin who raps for me when I get nightmares,to Lee Know who dances with me when I need to practice,to Jisung whose squirrel face makes me feel like a idiot and my oppa,Hyunjin who takes care of me when I'm sick.You guys were great friends and amazing brothers.I hope I'll see you again,guys,always,to infinity and beyond,to the moon and back,around the galaxy then to universe,I'll always love you guys.Goodbye..."She tells the camera and stops recording,then puts her will beside her phone.

She takes off her necklace and uses it to tie the phone to her will.

What she thought was her final breath,was stopped for what felt like eternity.

"Hyedam...don't..."She hears a voice say from behind her,along with more footsteps.

"Please don't,Hyedam..."Hyunjin's voice rings through her ears.

She feels a pair of strong arms around her and turns her head to see Chan in tears.

"Don't leave us,Angel.Don't leave us..."He whispers to her.His arms that instinctively pulled her into a tight backhug.

"I love you guys."She whispered into Chan's ear.

She elbowed him and ran to the edge to
find her peace.

"Hyedam!"Felix was too late.He tried to pull her back up.He was just too late.

"She's...gone..."Jeongin says in between loud sobs.

"Hyedam...what did you do...?"Seungmin whispers as his tears start to roll down his cheeks.

Chan being the leader of the group,tries his hardest to keep his tears in but fails.His cries were the loudest,his heart hurted as if she stabbed him then left without a care and his eyes turned red in a matter of minutes.His tears slide down his cheeks like a waterfall and he held his necklace tight in his palm.

"We shall burn her bag on Friday,at 5.48p.m. in honour of her.Remember to bring something that she gave you and we'll put it in her bag so we can let go.She has to know that we'll live just as well as we did when...she was here."Chan tells the rest as they lay their backs against the wall,defeated and disappointed in themselves that they couldn't save their bestfriend,the one that made the group a whole instead of just a 1+1=2 kind of group.

The tears drenched the floor,they were tired.They decided that they would carry Hyedam back up and whisper the words that wanted to tell her before she left.

Hyunjin went first since he was her brother,Chan after him whose words were slurred,Minho who couldn't keep his tears in,her face was just as perfect as it was before she left,Changbin whose rap for her was nearly turned into a song because he loved to listen to her singing,Seungmin who only gave her a light kiss on her forehead like he usually did whenever they slept over at each others house otherwise he'd have broken down to have the same fate as her,next was Woojin who only held her hands which were still full of that familiar warmth that he loved,Felix took off his ring on his right hand and changed his for the one that was on her hand,she told him that she wanted him to do it so he'd still have a piece of her when she left,Jisung was devastated to see her face,breathless,he traded his wristband for her wristband,the wristbands were a sign of friendship to the pair,whenever something important in their lives happened,they'd switch the bands with each other,then finally Jeongin came to her body.He bawled his eyes out without stopping for an hour until his finally closed her eyes and put his last gift from her into her hands,the bobby pin that she used to part his hair when they had a study session the day just before.

"Guys,maybe she left her phone here for a reason.Let's check if there's something on her phone as a message to us."Felix suggested to the group who nodded in agreement.

The moment they found the video,their cheeks that were once dry now became drenched all over again.

"Always,to infinity and beyond,to the moon and back,around the galaxy then to universe,I'll always love you guys.Goodbye..."These words rang in their heads as a reminder that they couldn't save her from this fate.

They call her mom to tell her what happened.

Time skip to 5.48p.m. on Friday

"It's time to send her off,guys.Let's go..."Chan tells the boys.

They pack up their bags and run to the abandoned building which has Hyedam's bag still in the same place.

They sing her happy birthday as the day she met them was on May 3rd,5.48p.m. which happened to be the time of her birth aswell.

"We'll always love you,Hyedam..."Chan says as he walks toward the fire they made and puts her bag in.Her body was buried beside the lake that they met at in Busan.

The remaining 9 held hands then thought of their favourite moments together with her.The winds seemed to falter and went a little slower,the trees swayed slightly as if to say goodbye and the skies' stars seemed to shine even brighter.

Time skip to a year later

The boys have been living like zombies.Their conditions got worse day by day.

"Jeongin..."Jeongin heard Hyedam's voice call out.

He turns a 360° to see her spirit behind him.

"Huh?I must be dreaming..."He rubs his eyes and pinches his cheeks.

He isn't dreaming.

To be continued...

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