To Our Dear Fallen Star,Sulli

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I heard about her death just last night and I was shocked.She was a really big part of my childhood because my older sister and I used to dance like maniacs to f(x) songs and it was such a special memory to me.My older sister and I are drifting apart and those memories I created with her all relate back to Shinee,SuJu and f(x).I feel pure hatred to those who caused her to feel like this.If you're one of those haters reading this,just know that there's dozens and more people willing to kick your ass because you could've destroyed something oh-so precious to so many,many,many people and for me,it's childhood memories.Think about what you've done,you fucktards.But for now,rest in peace,our fallen star,Sulli.Thank you for helping me and my sister make our childhood.

Stray Kids:Imagines(discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن