A Bad Girl•Jisung

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"Kim Sejin?"

"Here,Loser."The iconic bad girl of our class strikes again.The class bursts into a fit of laughter as our female class monitor,Somin,covers her peachy blushed face.

"Yah!Kim Sejin,don't bully her!"The male class monitor,BM,tried to defend his girlfriend.

"You ain't the boss of me,hoe.I don't care what your title is,I don't give a shit about what you say to the teachers and I don't care about whatever you guys say.I'd like to see you fight me,baby boy.I bet you'll die hardcore.I know you don't like giving up without a fight."She teased the guy in english since she knew it'd hurt him who tried to hide his wounds but I was sure she could see right through his disguise.

"Bring it on,bitch!Let's do this!"Sejin bellowed causing the class to erupt into cheers for Sejin.

"I don't need to bring it on,I brought it already."Sejin's infamous smirk appeared and she walked closer to BM.

"You sure bout' that,babyboy?"Her voice,cold and intriguing.Her victory?Locked and loaded.

A uppercut was down BM's alley,a kick trailing behind it and a arm twist shadowing the sequence.A knee to his crotch and that was his doom.

"Tsk.What a weakling."Her remark made the class snap and she walked out of class with her gang which happened to be a third of the class.

I had an urge to follow her but my mom would kill me if she found out.

"Huh,so the bad girl's caught your eye..."His Hyung,Bang Chan said.

"W-what d-do you mean?"Jisung stuttered out.

"You like her,don't you?It's pretty obvious.The fact that you like a bad girl makes it pretty difficult to confess.But from what I know,she's a skateboarder.She goes to the skate park whenever she skips school.I've seen her there before when I was skipping class."Changbin said as he started to tell Jisung about her likes and dislikes since he hung out with her once in a while.

After a good half an hour of chatting with Changbin,Jisung turned his head to see that she was out of the school already, like usual.

"Jisung,if you want to skip classes for her,I'll go with you.Chan,you'll cover for us right?"Changbin said as he realised that his friend was in a serious case of lovesick.

"Yeah,I'll cover you two.Just don't do this too often.Now,Prince Charming,go get yourself a bad ass Cinderella."Chan said as the two packed their bags and ran off to the boys' locker room to get their skate boards and roller blades and helmets.

"Ah,Seo Changbin,I see you've come to hang out once again?You've brought a friend too.Nice."Sejin's melodic voice rang through Jisung's ears.

"Yeah.This right here,is my best buddy,Han Jisung."Changbin introduced with a smirk.

"Well,why not you work on your skills?Sure you've gone rusty already,you damn noob."The girl teased as she did some tricks on the half pipe

"Well then,let's see if you can still do your signature trick,Miss Kim."Jisung challenged since he knew about her trick,the double backflip jump,which was pretty hard to do,even for Chan who loved to skate just about every other hour.

"Huh,seems like pretty boy here's heard about my tricks.Guess I'll put on a little show."The girl teased male.

Soon,she was flipping her board,doing her tricks,sometimes even balancing on one leg and ended it with her trick,landing in a kneeling position on her board.

"I see you've improved your tricks.Nice moves."Changbin remarked as the girl flipped her hair.

"Of course,Trash bin."Her playful smirk made Changbin challenge her with a glare.

"I can do roller blade tricks,not as impressive but still considerable,I guess."Jisung's words shocked Sejin a little since she always thought that he was a nerd.

"Well,show us what you've got,would ya?"Changbin told boy and soon he was rolling around on one leg,weaving in and out of trees.

"Nice tricks though,may not be as impressive but I have to say,very cool."Sejin's words made the boy blush.

"Thanks."He said and they were taking a short break for the time being.

"Oh yeah,there's a rollerblading competition going on this weekend,I'm entering for the trick battle.Would you like to come?They say the prize is ₩100,000,000 for first prize and a new pair of specialised blades.Changbin,ya coming with Chan aren't ya?"Sejin's offer was absolutely shocking and intriguing.

"Of course,Sejin!"Changbin's enthusiasm made her smile and they continued practicing tricks.

When Jisung got home and opened the door to the house,his first words to his mom were about the competition.

"Of course you can go!You're always cooped up in your room!Why wouldn't I let you go?"His mother said with a smile.Something about mothers gave them such a loving glow.

"Thank you!"He said with a grin before walking out the door to meet Chan,Changbin and Sejin since they scheduled to meet up for practice tricks.


"Hey,Han!"The trio shouted in unison.

The quartet was sliding up and sliding down the half pipe.Ollies,kickflips and heelflips galore.Sliding down the handrails,skipping entire flights of stairs.

"I think we've got enough practice.I heard there's a duo contest if I'm not wrong.Anyone wanna take part with me?"Jisung asked with a smile.

"I'll go.I'm so gonna get that new pair of blades!"Sejin exclaimed before they decided to end the meet up by going to a cafe nearby.

Time skip

"Oh,darn!We've gotta go,Han.My mom's gonna kill me if I don't get back soon.Bye!"I heard Chan Hyung say before running out the door with Changbin.

"Welp,guess we're the only 2 left.So,what type of plan did you have for the routine?"Sejin asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know but I know I have a plan for you."I murmur quietly.

"A plan for me?"

Uh-oh.I guess she knows now,might aswell say it I guess.

"I like you.I really like you."

"I like you too,Mr Squirrel."She answers with a grin.

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