My Bear•Woojin

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Snow was falling.

"The pavement is covered with sugar,"five-year-old you would think as a young intellectual.

Your apartment in the city,facing the skyline of Seoul,was probably the best one,right in the center of a road,an amazing view of the city,where two minutes away was a quaint,quiet,little cafè that the baristas who just happened to be your bestfriends,Chan,Felix and Minho,memorized your order and all you had to do when you wanted to order was just to give one of them a crisp five dollar bill,and another good 5 minutes of walking would be down to campus,2 streets down was the grocery store that your brothers,Jeongin and Hyunjin,worked at,the best part was the park where your cousins,Seungmin,Jisung and Changbin owned a ice cream parlor there,you remember going there with your full squad of friends,Woojin,Chan,Minho,Jeongin,Felix,Hyunjin,Seungmin,Jisung and Changbin,to celebrate Christmas there privately,Changbin closed the shop up to the public while you bunch were still in there,having fun.

You remember the first date you went on,down 3 streets on the left of your block,at the restaurant,where you left the guy because he was literally being an out right perv.

Or how about that time where,you,Chan,Felix and Minho were skateboarding in that skatepark 2 years ago,down the street?You were shoving cotton candy into your mouth,little fluffballs of joy,you called them.Then you fell while ranting to Chan about how annoying Hyunjin was with his extra loud alarm at eight in the morning,and,mind you,but it really was loud.Your leg was bleeding and Chan ended up carrying you back to your apartment while Minho went with Felix to get stuff for your very bloody knee.

Or how about that time,a few years back when you had a huge scavenger hunt with your squad of friends all over Seoul.Epic,they said it was.In the end,when you guys got back to your apartment,everyone fell asleep in the living room,tucked into mountains of fluffy blankets and soft,comfy pillows.

It was moments like those that were just so special to you.Simply sitting in the shotgun seat of your brother,Hyunjin's old,beat-up Honda,jamming to some classic bops,being a couch potato with your bestfriends,watching that stupid horror movie that made each one of you screech like a fork scratching against ceramic,sipping on boba with your entire friend squad laid down in the living room for your weekly complain session to each other.A wholesome group of friends,it was.

"Babe,what do you want to do this weekend?"I ask as I whisked batter for cupcakes for the bake sale at the kindergarten me and Woojin teach at.

"Hmm,not sure.How about going to the movies then to the amusement park?"Woojin says as a splotch of frosting splats onto his face from the mixing bowl.

I chuckle at his shocked face,putting down the bowl of chocolatey batter with a smile,grabbing a napkin to wipe his cheek.Staring into his beautiful sepia brown eyes,hands holding his cheek and wiping off the batter.

"Jidam-ah...I...I'm leaving for New York next year,in February.I'll be there for a while...I'm going to be there,studying,at Julliard."Woojin says,his head facing the polished marble floors,now looking very interested in his feet.

"Woojinnie,it's no big deal.You could stay there for millenia and I'd guarantee,I will be in this same house,waiting.With Mr.Fluffy and you'll see the same me lounging on the same couch watching the same Netflix movies and fangirling over my animes,while eating chips,of course."A gentle smile carved itself onto Woojin's face.He was proud of you.You were so secure in your own skin.You pushed through and ignored your insecurities with pride.No longer were you that child-like person when he first met you.

Your dog came bounding towards you,and kneeled at your feet,ball in his mouth.You looked like a family.A family...

Maybe that's what you guys together in the first place.

The love for kids.Child whisperers,they'd call you.You were kind,loving and had a rather well-developed ability to calm down children.

With a gentle smile,he pulled me in.

"Thank you,Ji."

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