Chapter 1

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[Y/N]---> Your Name
[H/C]---> Hair color
[E/C]---> Eye color
[F/C]---> Favorite Color
[H/C]---> Hair length
[Y/F/I]---> Your first initial

Your P.O.V

I was sitting on the rooftop, looking up at the stars. It was currently 4:38 in the morning right now. The view of the night sky wasn't that clear like it was in the country. That's because of the lights and the gases the cars and factories give off.
I was wearing a black short-sleeve hoodie with gray sweatpants. My [H/L] [H/C] hair was down, while my [E/C] eyes seemed to glow in the dark.
I always come up on the roof to think and star-gaze whenever I couldn't sleep.

Which was everyday.

In a few hours, I'll have to go attend UnderHigh for the first day of school.

The sky turned a pale orange and pink as the sun slowly rose from behind Mt. Ebott.
I sighed and started to climb down.
I swung my legs over the ledge and carefully placed my foot on the window-sill. Then I jumped and caught the ledge of the roof, I climbed in the window to my room.
I looked around the dim room, a bed was tucked in the corner with [F/C] pillows and a gray blanket strewn on the floor.
I walked across the cold wooden floor and opened my closet.
I looked through the shelves and decided to wear a white sleeve-less hoodie, my favorite pair of jeans, and black tennis shoes.

I looked through the shelves and decided to wear a white sleeve-less hoodie, my favorite pair of jeans, and black tennis shoes

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I looked at my reflection in the mirror that was next to my closet. I ran my hand through my [H/C] hair and let it fall down my back. I pull open my drawer and reach inside it. Taking out a pair of black fingerless combat gloves. Smiling at the way they smugly fit on my hand. I then reached up on a shelf in my closet.
I pulled down a long, sleek, black and [F/C] modern turntable.

I ran my finger along each of the cold switches, buttons, slide switches, and discs. I smiled before pressing a button on its side.
The turntable started to fold itself up and shrink. It formed into a black and [F/C] wrist-watch, with my initials etched on the back in cursive,

[Y/F/I] S.

I looked at the watch, with its glow in the dark hands and numbers.

5:54 AM

I stretched my arms up and yawned. I only got a few hours of sleep for these past few days. But I managed to stay awake and get through each day.

I opened my door and stepped in the long hallway, glancing at the faded pictures. On the wall were framed pictures of our family, well...

Before the incident....

I looked away, refusing to think of them.
I finally reached a door, and gently opened it.
I enter to what looked liked a garbage dump.
There were dirty clothes and laundry all over the floor. Crumpled up pieces of music sheets and papers filled the trash can. Apple cores, empty cans of red-bull, and candy wrappers were littered across the floor. And an acoustic guitar was perched on its stand near the door.
I step over the messy floor and reached Max, my big brother.

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