Chapter 7

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Your P.O.V

I was staring out the window before the chatter in the classroom died down and a tall skeleton came in the room. I glance at the guy.

A/N: Again, too lazy to describe him-

I smiled to myself. For an adult who teaches astrology, he looked pretty childish.

"Hello class! I am Mr. Dream, your astrology teacher for the year! Now, let's get started shall we?"

The class nodded and Mr. Dream started to talk and write on the whiteboard. He lectured us about the different constellations and how you could find them. I listened to him intently. And when he asked questions, I answered most of them.

"Humans and Monsters in the first era were fascinated by the stars. When they first saw the shapes formed by the stars in the sky. They would make up myths and stories based of what they have seen."

I nodded, raising my hand to speak.

"And the stories would vary, all around the world. Because in some places, the constellations look different because of your location. So people will tell different stories about the same constellation."

I rambled on. A few monsters snickered, pointing at me.

"Pffft- she's such a geek!"


Fresh groaned and Alphys rolled her eyes at the comments towards me.

"Dont listen to them [Y/N]. Thet dont mean anything!"

Fresh whispered to me loudly. I nodded.

Mr. Dream glared at the monsters who were making fun of me, who immediately shut their mouths. He smiled at me with pride in his starry eyes and nodded.

"Yes [Y/N]! That is right! Now, constellations are also..."

Soon the lesson flew by in a flash and the bell rang. The class started to shuffle towards the door. A few monsters nudged me and one almost pushed me towards a desk.

I roll my eyes and gathered my things.

Alphys was at the front of the classroom talking toMr. Dream. Fresh and I wished Mr. Dream a good day and headed on to our next class.

Sadly, Fresh had math next and I had.....ah crap........

Magical Arts with...Mr. Gaster..

I silently groaned as I walked down the hallways and entered the right classroom.

I gasp softly, not expecting what I was seeing.

Instead of a room with desks and seats. It was hugs, the space took half of the size of the gym probably. Against the walls were mats and practice dummies. Hanging above the tall ceiling were climbing ropes. I see a few monsters to one side of the gym, with a tall skeleton.

I walk over, and set my stuff down near the wall.

I noticed a few familiar monsters. Like Zorai, who was talking to somebody. Then I catch a glimpse of.....PJ and his friends...yayy....but I saw Dust and Palette. At least I'm not alone.


I waved and grinned at the sight of Palette. Palette and Dust came up to me, with curious and happy expressions

"Hey [Y/N]! I didnt know you took this class!"

Palette exclaimed, I chuckle.

"Heh, well I do gotta take Magical Arts."

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