Chapter 8

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Your P.O.V

I clenched my fists as PJ summoned a Gaster blaster. I sighed silently as I stepped back.

"Stop holding back!"

I dont want to hurt him though!

"This is what happens everytime!"
"Every. Single. Damn. Time!"

"Shush your mouth Scarlet!"

"You're the one to talk now, Angel?"

Shut up! Both of you! I need to concentrate-

Suddenly, I felt something rose around me. I looked around me and groaned. While I was in communication with Dianne and Angel, PJ summoned bones and closed me in.

I look ahead and see PJ's Gaster blaster about to blast.


I felt my eyes turn several shades darker of [E/C]. I summoned two daggers. The blades were made of pure silver. Its handle wrapped in [F/C] colored worn leather, and scratches from previous fights. I hear noticable gasps as I slashed away the bones with my weapon.

"Ah~ Scarlet's back!"

Dianne/Your P.O.V

I smirked as I see PJ stumble back several steps. I toss my dagger up in the air playfully.

"What's the matter? Looks like you've seen a ghost!"

I teleported behind PJ's back, and kicked him forward. Sending him flying across the mat.

Zorai P.O.V

I gasped as I see [Y/N]'s eyes turn several shades darker. I feel a hidden memory creep up my mind. Last time she changed was.....

"Stop the fight!"

I yell, running up to Mr. Gaster. He turned to me with a questionable look as I hear a loud bang. I turn to him again, and got a hold of his sleeve. With desperate eyes, I pleaded to him again. He only glanced at me. He gently shook his arm, causing for me to lose grip of his sleeve. I step back in disbelief as Gaster stared ahead at the fight.

'Dont lose control, [Y/N]...'

Dianne/Your P.O.V

"Dont hurt him!"

"Why? I only kicked him-"

"She has a point Scarlet!"

"You might as well risk revealing [Y/N]'s big lie about being a human! And you know how many of these monsters have their phones out right now?"

". . . . . . . . ."

"Not to mention, HE might be lurking around her disguised....."

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