Chapter 2

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Rose's P.O.V

I took my big sister's and my big brother's hands and lead them out of the house. I was skipping with [Y/N] to my right and Max to my left.

I started to softly sing a song,

Lily was a little girl,

Afraid of the big wide world,

She grew up, within her castle walls...

I caught [Y/N]'s eye and pull on her hand. She first had a look of confusion, then realized what I wanted her to do, she started to sing with me.

Now and then she tried to run,

And then on the night with the setting sun,

She went in the woods away,

So afraid all alone..!

Both of our voices started to get louder and more confident with every line we sang. I looked up at Max, he was rolling his eyes and shaking his head. I was confused by this, but I shrugged and kept singing with [Y/N].

Then before we knew it, we finished the song, and arrived at UnderHearts Elementary.

I gasped, only for it to turn into a whimper.

I noticed that most of the kids were monsters. I looked around, craning my neck to see if there was another kid like me.

[Y/N] lead me to the entrance, Max following us not far behind. I start to feel butterflies in my stomach.

"[Y-Y/N]...? Can we go h-home....?" I mumbled, looking at the ground.

Your P.O.V

"[Y-Y/N]...? Can we go h-home....?"

I looked down at Rose, who was staring at the ground.

I sighed and bended down to her eye-level.

"What's wrong lil sis?"

Rose looked up at me, then looked at the students. I looked to where she was looking and let out a soft oh. I smiled back at her.
"Don't worry, you'll be okay.."

"What if they don't like me? What if I cant make any friends?.....What if they'll hate me because I'm human?"

I slightly widened my eyes at the last two words. I grin and take her hands.

"First, they WILL like you because you're too adorable and friendly to not like. Second, everybody will want to be your friend because you are so awesome and-"

"And because you got a famous singer for a brother and a professional DJ for a sister!" Max added, puffing out his chest proudly. "Right..." I said, rolling my eyes. I heard Rose giggle, and I took a deep breath.

"And number three, you aren't a full human..You are one of them and one of us. No one will hate you for what you are....instead they will love you for your uniqueness and personality....remember that!"

Rose looked at me, then back at the school entrance.

"So? Still wanna go home? Or do you wanna go make new friends?"

She looked at me and Max, then nodded. "I choose to....I'm going to school!"

"That's my sis!" I happily said, giving Rose a hug. I let go so Max can give Rose a hug toom

"Bye [Y/N] and Max!" Rose waved to us before disappearing behind the glass doors.

I felt Max placing a hand on my shoulder as I stood up. "C'mon, we still got school to catch."

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