Chapter 9

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Your P.O.V

I blinked, feeling my shoulders droop slightly. I chuckled and tilted my head side-ways.

"Hm, Scarlet? I dont know what you're talking about."

I reply blankly. The skeleton stared at me, his grip loosening. I pulled my hand back. And left him at the office, my senses returning.

''Wow, and I thought you could never be so cold [Y/N].''

Tch, yeah right.

'That was kind of mean though..'

''You call that cold? That would-be I like to call, pathetic~"

'Scarlet! She doesn't mean that [Y/N]-'

Course she does.
She's technically the embodiment of all my negative feelings.
And you Angel, are the embodiment of all of my positive feelings.

"Well, duh! Where else would we come from? From the pits of nowhere?"

'We dont actually know if that's true or not though...'

"Of course it's TRUE. The two of us are her main parts of her existence-''

Dont forget about the others Scarlet, they might hear you.

"Oh really? Then maybe if they could hear me right now. I hope that they heard about how stupid they are!"

'Scarlet, Enough! Please! I'm starting to fade!"

Yeah, seriously. I need you, Mr. GrumpyHead, to shut up. I'm trying to find my way to class!

I sigh, looking around in a daze. I hear the two voices in my head quiet down. A few moments later, I winded up in front of the Music Room. I open the door and enter.

The music room had warm blue walls with marbled flooring. Shelves filled with various instruments were in the back. There students that were sitting in the chairs scattered across the room. By the front, was the teacher's desk and a podium. Behind the wooden table was, I assume is the teacher.

I stood there for a few more seconds before I hear the slam of the door. I jump back and turn around rapidly. It was Max, his back to the door. Panting and sweating. The door shook, people were pounding on the door. I sigh, ignoring the stares and whispers that filled the room.

I go to the door and push Max slightly to the side, peeking out of the small window on the door.

"Wow dude. That's a crowd you riled up out there, huh?"

He nodded, catching his breath. I sigh, glancing at him. "Tell me about it. I had to run here! And it's only my first day!" He said, wiping sweat from his forehead. I roll my eyes, waving my hand.

"Eh, don't worry about them. They'll go away eventually. Now come on.." I pull Max along by his sleeve and make my way around the room. Several monsters turned to stare, but looked away when I glared at them. I pulled up two chairs for Max and I. We sat near the back, away from the class. Then I hear familiar voices approaching.

"Oh, [Y/N]! Hiya!" I turn my head to see Fresh and Palette. I wave at them as the both pull up chairs next to mine.

"Man, is Max Starlet really your brother??" Palette asked, his eye-lights turning into wide stars. I chuckle and nod as Max turned his head at the mention of his name. I shake my head as Palette started a conversation with my brother. Come to think of it, pretty much half of the class was staring at him. I roll my eyes at this. Fresh chuckled awkwardly before the teacher cleared her throat. Drawing the class's attention.

"Hello class, welcome to Music class. I am Ms. Shyren! I see some familiar faces, and new faces as well!"

Everyone glanced at my brother at this. He just grinned awkwardly and mouthed 'this is so weird' to me. Which I chuckle to.

"Now, this is music class, as you all know! And in this room, we do many things! Like musical performances, contests, and many more. But first, everyone must sing a song of their choice that is at least one minute long. This is so that I can see who is a soprano, bass, or an alto."

Ms. Shyren lectured the class. The room started to fill with quiet and curious chatter. I turn to Max, who was smirking smugly. One monster raised their hand and blurted out.

"Ms. Shyren! Can we do duets?"

The teacher thought for a moment before shrugging.

"I suppose so, duets can be allowed! However, each person in a duet must sing a song on their own alone after their little performance. But do not ask someone who is already in a group to do a duet with you. And you also have the decision to play an instrument with your performance. I'll give you all several minutes to choose your songs, warm up, and pick your partners."

Max whispered a yes and held out his hand for a high five, which I return. Fresh started to mutter under his breath as multiple people rapidly stood up and swarm around Max. A few even had their phones out! I see him struggle against the crowd, which was funny to watch.

"Oh dear, should we help him or?"

I shrug as a reply to Fresh's question. A few minutes later and everyone had started to calm down. Palette and Max were doing a duet with each other. And I decided to do it solo while Fresh partnered up with a skeleton named Cil. I noticed that there were a lot of duets. I sigh.

Soon the singing test began. Everyone did pretty well I guess. One monster was singing the Little Einstein theme song. One was singing a nursery rhyme. And one sounded really awful. Like, they didnt hit that high note right. But everyone was stunned at Max's and Palette's performance. A few even recorded it. After everyone went, my name was called last. I sigh, walking over to the front. I glance Fresh and Palette grin at me while Max cheered me on.

I pass the slightly open the door as I get on the podium. I first move the music stand there, knowing that it'll be in the way. I take a deep breath and smiled. I pressed a switch on my [F/C] watch.

It glowed [F/C], making it clearly visible to the whole class. Slowly it flashed white and there was my turntable.

It was a modern black turntable mixer. The switches, keys, and stickers on it were [F/C]. It also hovered above the ground in front of me with [F/C] rings at the bottom.

I summon my black and [F/C] headsets in my hands. The patterns and markings on it glowed a bright [F/C] as I put it on.

I started to sing, my hands moving the keys and switches.

I start tapping my foot to the beat as I keep moving my fingers on the table. A smile formed on my face as I start vocalizing with the music. Using my table to sync my voice with the music. I look up at the class. I see several monsters starting to smile, tap along, and record me.

"I could never find the right way to tell you, have you noticed I've been gone..?"

I close my eyes, feeling my fingertips get slightly warm. Then, the magic started to happen...

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