Chapter 5

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Okay, so imma put a warning here that you will see swearing when you read this chapter. So continue reading if you want, but I warned you!

PJ's P.O.V

"Watch out!"

I yelled out. [Y/N] turned but she got hit in the side. She stumbled and fell to the floor.

I rushed to her side, calling for her to stay with me.

Fresh and a few other nerds sped over to [Y/N] and called her name.

"[Y/N]! Come on! W-Wake up!" Fresh stuttered desperately.

I growled and get up. I turned my attention to my friends, the jocks.

One of them, one of them did it! I knew it deep in my gut that one of them threw that ball!

I stomp over to them, giving them an icy glare.

"Well?! Which one of you f*cking retards threw that ball?!"

I shout angrily, I was real pissed. I dont know why so felt so defensive of [Y/N] right now. It just kicked in out of nowhere!

I glare at Undyne, who put her hands up in the air.

"Ain't me dude. As much as I wanted to be the one who got revenge on that nerd, I wouldn't go THAT far."

BP and SkaterGirl nodded.

Then I turn to Edge, who had a smug smirk on his face.

I feel anger bubbling up in me, that retarded b*tch!

I walk up to that oversized buffoon and grabbed him by the neck, squeezing hard.

"PJ, dude! Quit it!" I hear Undyne call out.

I ignored her, and focused my attention to Edge. He was gasping for air, kicking his legs, struggling to get away from my grasp.

I grin, clearly enjoying this.

Then I feel someone place a warm and gentle hand on my shoulder.

Your P.O.V

I groaned and opened an eye.

There were several monsters surrounding me.

I gasp and cough, sitting up.

Then I cry out in pain, I look down at my side.

Damn it!

There was a huge and swollen bruise with red puncture marks, that was bleeding?!

Oh sh*t.

I feel someone grab my shoulders roughly, causing me to cry out again.

"HeY MagGoT! GeT uP!" Coach Error said to me.

I reluctantly get up and groan.

I look around the gym and spot PJ choking....Edge..?

Ah F*ck.

As quick as I could, I made my way over there and placed my hand on PJ's shoulder.

PJ turned his head and caught sight of me.

"Put him down..." I mumbled.
PJ looked at me, then back at the tall skeleton. Who was now turning blue.
He drops Edge to the ground, and I groan.

NaJ!PJ X Reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant