Chapter 4 | pt.2

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Your P O.V

I ran towards the middle and grabbed an armful of balls.

I toss the balls to my teammates, who caught it.

"Wait for my signal!" I shouted.

Everyone nodded and stood back.

I pick up a ball and threw it.

It landed on a short skeleton wearing a blue bandana around his neck.

"OuT bLuE!" Coach Error announced.

Fresh and Alphys cheered, and the other team shouted angrily at coach.


Fresh threw a ball at a distracted BP, and the ball landed on his head.

Fresh had an expression of surprise, pride, and fear all at the same time.

Alphys sprinted forward and threw a ball at the fish-Undyne.

But Undyne caught it with ease and pointed at Alphys.

"OUT PUNK!" Undyne shouted in glee.

Alphys trembled and sighed.

She turned and started to walk towards the bleachers.

"Don't worry dear Alphys, I the great Papyrus shall avenge you!" Papyrus said, as he picked up a ball.

He threw it, aiming at Undyne.

But Edge caught it and laughed.

"Nyeh heh heh! Don't even try you lame wannabe!" Edge sneered, tossing the ball to Undyne.

Papyrus retreated to the bleachers.

By now, Fresh, Blooky, a skeleton with black markings on his face, and a skeleton with red glasses were left on my side.

I growl and threw the ball I was holding.

It hit Undyne, who gasped in shock in utter disbelief.


Before she could finish, Coach Error called her out and Undyne stomped towards the bleachers in anger.

"Wow, you hit Undyne...." the skeleton with black markings said to me.

"Yeah, had to avenge Alphys and Paps there." I replied.

"I'm Ganz, and just wanna say that maybe we can have a chance at winning after all!" Ganz mumbled.

Fresh nodded and Napstablook smiled.

"Yeah-Blooky watch out!"

PJ had thrown the ball and it went through Napstablook.

"Oh.....oh well......Its quite alright...I'll just go..." the ghost muttered quietly, floating to the bleachers.

"It's ok Blooky, we'll get them!" The skeleton with red glasses who I assume must be Dust.

"Let's not get distracted. We got a game to win!" Fresh says, picking up a ball.

Me, Dust and Ganz nodded in unison.

The other team started to throw balls at us, and lemme tell you that they were real mad.

I had no trouble dodging the balls. However for Ganz, Dust and Fresh, it was the total opposite.

Finally, PJ managed to land a hit on Dust and Ganz, knocking them both to the ground.

I growl.

It was Me and Fresh against PJ, SkaterGirl, and Asriel.

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