Chapter 6

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Your P.O.V

I walked in the lunchroom, and monsters turned from their seats to stare at me. I sighed and quickly go over to the lunch line to get my lunch.

"Heya kid, watcha want for lunch today?"

A short skeleton with a blue hoodie, wearing an apron, and holding a pair of tongs says to me.

I looked down at the counter. There was food in trays covered with glass casing.

"Uh, a small tomato salad, yogurt, and a water please."

A tray appeared in front of me with the food I ordered including plastic utensils. I thanked the lunch guy and started to walk towards the courtyard.

But you know who I saw right at the very front of the doors?

Undyne, BP, and Fell. I grumbled and kept walking, avoiding eye contact.

Undyne then shoved me once I got close enough, causing me to stumble over to the side. I luckily caught my tray, almost using my magic. Almost.

"Hey punk! It's time to give ya payback! Fell!"

Undyne called out, and Fell walked up to her side with a sneer planted on his face.

"Why dont you give her a piece of my mind?"

Fell grinned maniacally and cracked his knuckles, his hands forming into fists.


I sighed and set my tray down on a nearby table.

Fell swung his arm at me. I ducked and quickly side-stepped him. He then aimed another punch, which I dodge again.

Then with a clenched fist, he punched at my chest. But I managed to catch it with both my hands, and swing him over my shoulder and bringing him down to the ground.

Then a large pair of transparent black talons grabbed Fell by the legs and swung him upward.

I gasp and looked at Fell, who started to sweat profusely.

There was a tall monster walking up to Fell, her long tail with a white diamond at the end swinging behind her.
She had pure white hair that was placed into a messy braid. A black shirt with a green plaid jacket and ripped denim overalls. Two light gray horns swirled up above her head. Gray combat shoes she wore with a pair of icy blue eyes. She had a black scarf, with the ends connecting into the large pair of claws that hung Fell in midair.

I grin at the sight, knowing the familiar gaze and confident posture.

"Look here, dont try to mess with her. Or you get the stare. Got it?" The monster said in a calm, but dangerous tone.

Fell nodded, his skull starting to turn red.

She dropped Fell to the ground, her claws fading away and returning back into the ends of her scarf.

The monster turned to me and slung one arm around my shoulder.

"Hey [Y/N]! Long time no see girl!"

I chuckled and started to walk.

"Hey Zorai! Glad to see you too!"

We walked out into the courtyard talking and laughing, leaving the cafeteria completely dumb-founded and surprised.

Then over by the fountain I spot Abyss and Max talking to Fresh, Alphys, Palette, Papyrus, and Blooky.

Me and Zorai walked up to them, waving a hand.

Max and Abyss greeted us and Fresh looked excited but nervous. Guess he isnt used to hanging out with a large group? Yeah, most likely.

Fresh's P.O.V

I was just talking to Abyss and Max when I see [Y/N] walking with...Zorai?!

I started to sweat, stepping back. Zorai was really strong and a jock. But she wasn't a bully. She just kinda had power of them. But her rank is second to PJ's, because she refused to lay a finger on anybody. And if you got her mad, she would give you that icy glare. And if you dared to stare back, your body gets these chills and it feels like you've been frozen solid for several seconds. And it feels almost like your soul stopped beating. It's scary.

I should know, Palette told me from what happened to one of his cheer mates when one of them ticked Zorai off one time.

"Hey Max! Abyss! Why didnt you tell me Zorai would be here?" [Y/N] exclaimed, pointing to Abyss and Max.

"Well, I wanted it to be a surprise! Figured you wanted some company here." Abyss said sheepishly.

[Y/N] rolled her eyes and introduced Zorai to me and the others.

"Fresh, you guys, this is my good friend Zorai!"

Zorai waved and Alphys shyly waved back with a squeak.

"Heya there, glad to see you're treating [Y/N] well."

I chuckled and all of us kept talking while sitting down at the fountain and eating our lunches. I noticed [Y/N] sitting next to me just listening to the conversation, but no lunch?

"Hey [Y/N], where's your lunch? Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked.

[Y/N] turned her head towards me and shrugged.

"Well, Fell and a few others were picking on me so I set my lunch down somewhere to face them. But Zorai saved my butt back there..."

"Soooo, basically you forgot your lunch?" I concluded.

[Y/N] nodded and chuckled awkwardly.

Zorai had listened to our conversation and offered [Y/N] half of her turkey sandwich. She looked at the piece then back up at Zorai. Zorai nodded and urged her to take the half-sandwich.
[Y/N] reluctantly took it and ate it, chewing slowly.

We all kept talking and joking around until the lunch bell rang. We left in groups, heading inside the building. I was walking with Alphys and [Y/N] down to Astrology.

Soon, we reached the right classroom and entered the Astrology classroom.

The ceiling was a dark dome that was covered with glittering stars and constellations that seemed to twinkle. I was wondering if the ceiling was a illusion or it was really real. On the walls hung posters of the constellations, zodiac signs, the planets, and stars.

I glance at [Y/N], who had an expression of wonder, amazement, and delight all rolled into one. She must be either really interested in stars or all of this was so new to her.

We sit together in seats near the front. Soon the whole class came spilling in and taking seats. Then the bell rang and a tall skeleton walked in, Mr. Dream.

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