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It's been a week since Quinn's first glee club rehearsal and she still hasn't got any further with Finn. He's sitting in Glee club and the whole time he's making goggly eyes to Rachel Berry.

Mercedes and Quinn are sitting on the blondes bed at their weekly sleepover eating ice cream when Kurt Hummel rushes into the room. 'Guess what?'

'Hey Kurt, nice too see you.' Quinn said.

'Guess what?' Kurt asked again if noting the girls remark.

'I don't know.'

'Guess!' Kurt exclaimed.

'Come on Kurt the suspense is killing me!' Quinn groaned.

'Puckerman and Santana broke up. She's been cheating on him. He found out and went nuts.'


An hour later Quinn's phone starts to ring. She looked at her phone and saw Brittany's name flash on the screen.

'Britt? Are you okay?'

'I'm fine but I'm too wasted to drive and I'm stuck at Puck's party.' Britt explained. 'Can you pick me up? My cars here but I don't want to die.'

'I'm in my way. Don't drink anymore.'

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