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The bus was loaded up for Regionals. Everyone was excited. Including Santana who joined out of spite.

Quinn was walking down the aisle ready to sit at the back when a hand reached out and grabbed her hand. She looked down and saw Santana smiling up at her. 'You're sitting with me. '

'Why?' She asked sitting down.

'I'm gonna help you get Puckerman back.' Santana laughed.

'He's at my back and calling I don't need help.' Santana gave her a look. 'Fine but if you're helping me I have to help you.'

The Latina rolled her eyes 'Fine.'


The two girls had worked out the plan. Everyone was loaded into the green room before the performance.

'Everyone hands in.'

'I'd like to take this one if you don't mind Mr Schue.' Rachel announced.

'No matter what happens out their today. We are winners. We have all learned something about ourselves whilst being in the club of misfits and outcasts. We've accepted who we are as people and even fell in love.' Puck smiled at Quinn and much to his surprise she smiled back. 'Let's kick some ass. Ahhhh-mazing.'

During Finn and Rachel's performance of 'Faithfully.' Quinn was racing back and forth worried she forget the moves.

'Hey.' A voice asked. It was Puck.

'Hi.' She replied turning to face him. Her nerves were instantly calmed.

'Please welcomed. The New directions.' Rachel said and everyone quickly rushed into places. Before the curtain rose Puck quickly said. 'I love you.'

Quinn couldn't say it back because the song started.


'And the winner of the show choir regional championship is.... the New directions.'

Everyone was overjoyed. The blonde loved the fact that she One but she only had one thing on her mind. Telling a certain boy that she loved him.

She found Puck celebrating with Artie when she grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the side of the stage.

'I love you too.' Quinn smiled. The next thing she knew she was kissing the boy she loved most in the world. Sure they have kissed before in the fake relationship and the real one but right that second everything was perfect.

Love is a losing game Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ