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Quinn walked down the hallway doing her best to ignore the comments and remarks being made by her fellow students. She opened the door to the girls bathroom and found Santana standing there. Just like she hoped.

'Can I ask you something?' Quinn asked and everyone else in the bathroom quickly left before everything blew up.

Santana smirked. 'Sorry. I don't associate myself with sluts.'

The blonde did her best to ignore what she said. 'We both know nothing happened that night.'

'Are we dine here? I need to talk to Puck.'

'What made you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you?'

'Fine.' The Latina huffed. 'Puckerman never wanted to be with me. He settled for me. He knew you were whipped on Finn. I liked him so he settled for me.'

'Then why would he care so much about you cheating on him.'

'He didn't. We dated for such a long time that we were comfortable together. I realised at the beginning of Freshmen year that I wasn't in love with Puck. I was in love with Brittany. I tried to destroy your relationship with Puck because I thought he would tell someone.'

'Puck would never-'

'I know. I put that poster up. I took the picture.'

'Can I ask you one more thing.' Quinn asked.

'Sure. Since we're having a chat.' Santana asked trying to fight a small that appeared in her lips.

'That night at the party-'

'I staged it. Some drunk asshole spilled his drink on Pucks shirt so he went upstairs to change and I followed him up their when I saw you. He told me that we were over and that he was in love with you but I heard your footsteps and made it look like we were making out.'

'Oh.' The blonde had never felt more stupid.

'I'm a terrible person.

'You're not. Your just not who everyone wants you to be. I think you should tell her.'

'Yeah right. Never gonna happen.'

'I won't push you but I really hope that we can be friends again.'

Santana smiled. 'I don't see why not.' The two girls embraced.

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