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'Not dating? What was the at kiss in the locker room? Every one is talking about it.' Kurt said. Kurt, Mercedes and Quinn were all sitting in the choir room before practise.

'So what's the story? How did you get together?' Mercedes asked.

'Umm.' Quinn hesitated. Her and Puck needed to get their story straight. 'It's not that interesting.'

Quinn was saved because everyone began filing into the choir room for practise. Finn looked at her and smiled. Maybe he was okay with it.

'Hey Q, can I talk to you?'

'Sure.' Quinn smiled. The two sat at the back of the room l

'You and Puckerman huh?'

'Yeah. It's new.'

'Just be careful. Puck he's a womaniser. Just keep your heart guarded.' Finn was so sweet. Probably the reason why Quinn was basically in love with him. 'And make sure you're not just a rebound from Santana.'



Quinn phone buzzed and read the text. She quickly put on her jacket and left. The bell rang as Quinn walk in and saw Puck sitting at a booth

'Hey.' Puck said.

'We need to get out story straight. And we need a contract.'

'A contract? Way to zap the fun out of it.' He joked.

'Hey, I'm serious we need rules so we don't get in too deep. Okay what's the story of us getting together?'

'Well. You saw me on the swings and you admitted that you've liked me since 6th grade when we kissed on the kickball field.'

'I'm gonna stop you right there. Why do I always have to sound desperate?' Quinn asked. 'We've been friends for years but never really had any romantic feelings but we started talking and you asked me to be your girlfriend.'

'Fine.' He declared. 'Okay. On to this stupid contact. Rule one.' Quinn got a notebook out from her bag and began to write.

'You're not allowed to kiss me.'

'Excuse me?' His eyes widened. 'How are people going to believe that we're together if I'm not allowed to touch you? I didn't suddenly turn into a saint to date you.'

Quinn sighed and sat up straight. 'I've never had a boyfriend. I want all of my first to be real.' She paused. 'With Finn.'

'You are so bright eyed.' He laughed. 'Fine. No kissing, what else?'

'Rule 2. You have to join glee club.'

'No na-uh no way.' Puck refused shaking his head. 'I'm surprised you joined.'

'Come on.'

Puck sighed knowing that the blonde would keep harassing him if he didn't. 'Okay. My turn.' He cleared his throats and took the notebook from Quinn. 'You have to come to all of my games.'

'I have to be there. Head cheerleader.'

'Okay fine. You have to come to every party with me.'

'Okay.' Quinn sighed. 'If you ever win a game.' It was a running gag that the William McKinley high school football team was not good.

'Hey we will someday.'

Quinn laughed. 'Don't hold your breath.'

'Anything else.' He sighed already bored of this.

'You could write me notes everyday. I remember how Santana would always say how romantic it was too write little notes to their significant other. She'd get pissed.'

'I could do that. One more thing. Don't go falling in love with me.'

'I think I can handle it.' Quinn rolled her eyes.

The pair sighed the contract and shook hands.

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