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Fake dating Puck was weird. They were practically glued to each others sides, Santana gave them a dirty look every time she got the chance and it was hard to not fall for him.

It was the little things, the way he'd meet her st her locker to walk her to class, the way they'd go to a drive thru after school to sit and eat in Puck's truck talking about nothing but it felt like everything.

Like right now, they're sitting in Puck's bedroom (with the door open) studying for a chemistry test, Quinn is laying on her stomach with a pen in her hand making notes and Puck is seating crossed legged staring st the page blankly.

'You're never gonna learn anything if you stare at the page.'

Puck sighed and closed the book. 'I'm thinking.'

Quinn sat up matching Puck's body language. 'That's never good.'

He laughed. 'Very funny!' His voice dripping with sarcasm. 'We haven't sang a duet in glee club yet.' He stood up and grabbed Quinn's hand for in her up with him. 'You are going to help me make Santana jealous.'

'I didn't think you'd be this enthusiastic about glee club.'

'I have a song. I should tell you from Rent.' He said.

'You don't seem like a musical kind of guy.'

'I'm not. Santana always goes on about how she should play Mimi.'  Puck explained. He'd always bring Santana into the conversation.

'Let's do it.'

Quinn quickly put the song 'I should tell you.' on and the pair began to sing nailing the harmonies as the song came to a close the two were close; They were practically kissing. The song ended and Puck began leaning in but before their lips connected The blonde panicked and jumped back.

'Great. We're gonna ace that song.' She tapped him in the chest. 'Let's study so we don't fail the test.'

Love is a losing game Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang