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Quinn spent that weekend huddled up in her bedroom and refused to come out. She cried a lot. Every time she stopped crying she remembered that night and cried again. Her phone was blown up with texts and calls from Puck.


The text wasn't from Puck it was Finn.


Finn came over to the blondes house on Monday morning just before school and walked to school together.

'Hi.' Quinn said sadly.

'How are you feeling?'

'Like my heart was ran over by a bulldozer but other than that great. I wanted to thank you for taking me home that night.'

'I wanted to talk to you about that. Puck said that you were in the with me.' Quinn was waiting for that to come up.'

Quinn looked up at the boy. 'From sixth grade to pretty much 5 months ago. I was head of heels in love with you. It's sounds so stupid now but...' she trailed off

'If you were in love with me why did you get with Puck?'

'Everything with Puck was fake. From the moment it began. But I started to have feelings for him, real feelings and we kind of got together for real at the camping trip and... well you know what happened next.'

'Oh.' Finn said simply. 'Still friends?'

'Of course.' Quinn smiled standing on her tip toes to hug the boy. Little did they know Puck was watching from his truck.

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