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They're 4 months into the fake relationship. It's lunch and Quinn and Puck are sitting on the table with the Glee kids holding hands under the table, every so often he would whisper in her ears and make her laugh as if no one was around. It was times like these she wishes it wasn't fake.

It's was Rachel's idea for the glee club to go on a camping retreat to the middle of no where to bond as Regionals is fast approaching. The bus pulled up at 7am much to everyone's dismay. Quinn wore comfy yet fashionable clothes which her and Mercedes describe as 'camping chic.' The blonde didn't want to sit next to Puck on the bus. She was falling for him but too him it was all fake.

Puck was already sitting on the bus but Quinn walked straight past him. 'Hey hey hey. Where are you going?'

'I was gonna go sit with Mercedes.'

'She'll sit with Kurt.'

'Kurt isn't coming. Something about not liking the outdoors.' Quinn explained. 'We're probably going to break up soon anyways. Plus you get to sit with who you really want to.'

The blonde walked down the aisle of the bus to sit with Mercedes. 'Go sit with your man.'

She looked up and saw Santana sit next to him and give Quinn a spiteful smile. 'He's sitting with who he really wants to.'


The arrive two hours later. The bus was cramped and there was no leg room. Quinn pulls her suitcase along the gravel ignoring Puck's gaze in her direction. Turns out it was more of a resort as there were cabins and they didn't have to sleep on the floor. Mr Schuester handed each person a room key and left everyone to decide what room they wanted. Quinn chose the room opposite Mercedes as they were most likely going to share the room anyway.

The first camp activity was to do basic trust exercises and that was it for day one and everyone had free time to do whatever they wanted. Quinn and Mercedes decided to have a movie night and do face masks and give eachother manicures. In was 11 pm.

'Can I tell you something and you have to promise not to tell anyone?'

'Sister swear.'

Quinn took a deep breath. 'Everything between Puck and I is fake. Has been from day one.'

'What?' Mercedes' asked. It felt good to finally tell someone. 'I would have never guessed it.'

'The worst thing is... I'm falling for him, for real. To him it's all fake to get back Santana.'

'Honey. If anything he's falling for you. He does things with you that he never did with Santana. Maybe it was fake at first but I think that you're both to stubborn to admit that you like eachother...for real.'

'I'm gonna go back to my room.'

Quinn walked out of Mercedes' room and saw Puck standing outside her bedroom door. 'Hey.'

'Hi.' He replied. Quinn opened the door and invited him in. Their both sitting on the bed in silence.

'Why didn't you sit with me on the bus?'

'You got to sit with Santana. Who you wanted to.' She shrugged.

'God Quinn. I wanted to sit with you. Not her.'

Quinn was ashtonished. Maybe Mercedes was right.

'I want go be with you Quinn. For real. It's not fake to me anymore.' Puck sighed.

'It hasn't been fake for along time.' Quinn smiled and leant in to kiss him. It was perfect.

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