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The icy fall wind hit Quinn's face. In hopes on it warming her up she shoved her hands into her coat pocket and took the short cut in the park. It was quiet, Quinn loved the quiet, the tranquility of it all it was a break from reality. It was dark the only light coming from a few street lamps scattered around.

The blonde heard the sound of the playground swings squeak and immediately retrieved  her phone from her pocket and dialled 911. You could said that she was a very paranoid individual. She looked at the swing and saw a figure, it was familiar. She walked towards it in true horror movie fashion and saw Puck.

'Puckerman?' She asked weary.

'Fabray? Hey.'

'Are you okay?'

'Santana has been cheating on me.'

Britt could wait. Quinn sat on the swing next to him and listened. 'I know. Kurt told me.'

'Of course he did. That kid always has a way of finding gossip.' Puck said attempting to make a joke but his voice was flat.

'I'm going to pick up Britt from your party.'

'Some party.' His voice was sad. Noah Puckerman was normally the life of the party, the guy who had the biggest smile, cracked all the jokes.

'Yeah.' She responded with a dry laugh. 'Do you know the guy?' Her voice was weary she didn't want to overstep the boundaries after all the weren't friends just aqatensis.


'I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked.' She said quickly and wanted the ground to swallow her.

'It's fine. It's good to talk it out with someone.' He smiled and Quinn instantly felt butterflies. No. She couldn't. 'I should get back to the party. Brittany had probably broke something by now.'

'Yeah. Walk with me?' He asked standing up. 'A girl like you shouldn't be walking alone at night.'

'Okay.' It took her a while to register what he said. 'Girls like me?'

'You know.' He paused. 'Pretty girls.'

The two walked back to the house which was half a block away and the music gradually got louder and louder as the approached. There were beer cans all over the floor and the aroma of drunk underage people in the Air. 

Brittany was laying on the grass on the front lawn with a hand laying lazily over her face and her eyes were closed.

Puck nudged her 'Wake up Brittany.'

'I'm up.' She jumped in response.

'Can you get to your car or...' He trailed off.

'I'm fine Puck.' Britt said getting up and brushing herself off. 'Let's roll. By the way the Santana left, probably going to fuck her neig-' Quinn put a hand around her mouth stopping her from talking.

'Ignore her she's drunk.' Quinn said sympathetically. 'And Brittany.' Everyone from the party was gone.

'Night ladies.'


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