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'QUINN! You need to see this!' Kurt yelled running into the choir room. Glee had just started so everyone was in the room. The blonde jumped out of her seat. She ran to her locker and was horrified by what she saw. Tears filled her eyes as she saw the words


With a picture of Puck and Quinn making out by the fire on the camping trip


Quinn pushed past everyone and ran away with Kurt and Mercedes following behind her. Mercedes had ripped down the picture and had it in her hand.

'Hey hey hey. What happened?' Puck asked The crying blonde.

'You're gonna let them believe something happened that night when you know it didn't?' She replied pushing past him.

Mercedes handed him the picture and said 'You gonna do something about this Puckerman?'

Puck examined the picture scrunched it up in a ball and clenched his fists. 'Listen up. Nothing happened that night. Not like it was anyone's business but nothing happened. If I see more pictures like this popping up around school I'll kick all of your asses.'

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