To Forget but not to forgive

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Chapter 9


"There was a period when me and Draco, well err, we had sort of an on-again, off-again relationship. At One night we got back together. We were so in love and also made love. But I forgot I had run out of pills... I hadn't been taking them anymore for a week or two, as I was sure to not need them." -"Wait, you weren't..." Harry knew what was coming. Scarlett sighed and Harry saw how she was trying to stay strong. "Yes, I was." -Did Malfoy got mad? It was your fault after all, " Harry asked. "Well.. He was shocked, of course. I also thought he would be mad, so I almost didn't dare to tell him, but I told him anyway." She sighed again. "And?" Harry asked. "He was a little mad at first, but he came back to talk to me, the same day." -"And I can already guess what you decided." -No, Harry. We we're going to keep it!" Scarlett smiled and let her tears flow. She started sobbing, but she still kept going. "We were happier than ever. We really loved our little baby..." Harry's arm was already around her again, -"So, then what went wrong?" -"It was all my fault... I.. Before being pregnant, I have had some problems about me and Draco breaking up all the time, so I had been searching for a way to forget about everything. I had been through a very dark time and used drugs and alcohol. I thought I didn't need them anymore since I was happy again and was going to have a baby. But I got so stressed and worried that I wouldn't be able to do it. That I was too young, that I would be a terrible mum. I lost all my confidence and reverted back to my old ways of drinking and doing drugs. Draco caught me and convinced me to let go off all my insecrurities. He really helped me through it all, but it was too late. One day later, I got a miscarriage. He never forgave me and I..." Scarlett took a deep breath. "And I never forgave myself either..." She started crying even more now and fell into Harry's arms.

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