Chapter 6

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Then the world went bright again. Too bright. All I could see is yellow or what I can see. Everything is a blur for me at the moment.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite Pinetree. Funny seeing you as a statue." The yellow glow was Bill fucking Cipher. Great. Just when things got better.

"What do you want Bill," I said with no emotion in my voice, " because if you don't want anything, then I will like to go back into being a statue. A meaningless object. Not much of an upgrade since us humans always lived a meaningless life."

"Yesh kid, I don't know what has gotten into you but I like it." Of course, you do you a sadistic triangle. "Anyway, let's make a deal," there was some silence for a bit. I think Bill expected me to protest from the mention of a deal, "You see, there is this barrier here in Gravity Falls that is keeping Weirdmageddon from going global. Sixter here," Bill grabbed a golden statue from his throne, "has an equation that will break down that barrier. You will help me get the equation from Sixter and in return, I will protect your family and all of Gravity Falls from my weirdness." That would have been tempting if they had not treated me like shit. Except for Ford. Ford is nice to me and gave me more opportunities and growth than Mabel and Stan. Stan may have been trying to get me strong but he could have tried a different approach than what he did. Forcing me to do difficult chores without any explanation. 'Dipper do this,' 'Dipper do that.'

"How about no. That would have worked if you were talking to the old me. The new me doesn't give a shit about the world nor my family. Plus do you really think that Ford will give up the equation just to protect me? All he will think about is the fate of the world." There was now mumbling around me. Every monster or demon or whatever they are were questioning what Bill was going to ask them. They believe nothing will tempt me and nothing will. There was also doubt about ever getting the equation. Although there were some henchmen that were okay with just ruling Gravity Falls.

"What makes you so certain that Sixter won't give up the equation just to save you and Shooting Star. I have you both trapped and under my control." Bill snapped his fingers. Blue chains appeared on my risk and legs.

"Because saving millions is better than saving a few people that you have trapped here. Just give it up. Ford will never be going to give you the equation." Bill turned around and seemed to be thinking. Bill floated a bit away causing me to have a clear look of his throne. The throne is made of the statues. They weren't any type of statutes. Those statues are the people of Gravity Falls. There faces clearly express fear and agony. 'At least they are not suffering from the chaos that has consumed Gravity Falls. Next to the throne was a golden cage. In it was Gideon tap dancing. We made eye contact. Gideon started to look around. Might be looking for Mabel. Once realizing that Mabel was not with me, he started to speak to me.

"Dipper. Where is Mabel." I said nothing. I just gave him a dead eye.

"Where. Is. Mabel, Dipper." He said now laced in anger a bit of fear.

"Still in the bubble." I didn't want to talk about that traitor. I would rather be Bill's puppet again than talk about Mabel.

"So what I did was for nothing! I am stuck dancing for all of eternity. My loyal followers are suffering because you failed the one thing you promised you were going to do." Gideon started to yell at me. His whole face was red and I swear I could see fire coming out of his nose and ears. But I didn't care less. He is another factor of my suffering.

"I know and I am sorry about that. But then again I am not sorry. You deserve this. You tried to kill me for no reason," Gideon tried to speak out but I didn't let him speak. "Don't you dare blame me for Mabel not loving you. I meant what I said back there about not forcing people to love you back."

"What happened to Mabel?"

"Mabel. She is dead to me. What I saw and experienced in the bubble tells me everything I need to know about what they perceive about me and how much they value our friendship. I do not give a shit about what happens from here on forward. To be honest with you, I hope they suffer and never see the sweet release of death."

The amount of rage that I let out shocked everybody completely, even Bill who stared at me with a wide eye. The whole place became quiet. As for Gideon, he seemed scared of what became of me. The spell that made Gideon dance has even worn off for a bit.

"I could let that happen, Pinetree," Bill had started to float around me. I only stared forward with a look of anger and vengeance. "Even better, I could give you the power to make people suffer." Bill was now in front of me. I stared into his eye and see myself in a white dress shirt with black pants and a galaxy cape. I wore a smug grin on my face. Bellow me was Mabel and my so-called "friends," all bloodied up from the punishment that I gave them. Each unique for the different crimes that they commit against me, "All you have to do is help me break the barrier and be part of my loyal henchmen. So, do we have a deal?" Bill extended his hand towards, igniting his blue flames.

"Deal." I shook his hand sealing the deal. It may be a stupid deal but it can guarantee protection from Bill from the weirdness if I play my cards right. Plus, I could play God in all of this. That sounds like fun.

A/N: For once, I really like how a story, that I have written, is going along. Also, I am thinking of changing the title. Can you guys give me ideas, please? Anyway, if you guys have any question(s) regarding the story, don't be shy to comment. No question(s) is a stupid question(s). Constructive criticism is allowed! Have a good day/night everyone!

"Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!"

-Bill Cipher

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