Figment Of My Imagination

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Jisung was sitting on the stairs of a building. He was an orphan, his parents died when he was really young. But it was okay because he had (Y/N). She was his imaginary friend. She was always there for him, no matter how harsh the world was on him. The (H/C) girl was always there for the little boy, she loved him like a little brother.

"Hey Jisung, I have good news for you." One of the employees of the orphanage said, crouching down to the little 6-year-olds level. "You're getting adopted by Mr Taeyong and Mr Jaehyun." The lady said as she held onto his hand, leading him out to see his two new dads. Once Jisung saw his new dads, he hid behind the lady's legs. "He's very shy." She said as Taeyong crouched down. "Hello, I'm Taeyong and this is Jaehyun." Taeyong spoke in a calm tone. "H-Hello." Jisung stuttered, stepping away from the lady's legs so he was in front of Taeyong. "You're a cute one." Jaehyun smiled, making Jisung smile then glance over to the side, as if he's looking at a person. "Can (Y/N) come with me?" Jisung asked. "Who's (Y/N)?" Jaehyun asked. "She's my imaginary friend." Jisung said, "holding" your hand. "Yes she can come." Taeyong smiled.

And from that day on, Jisung was a happy little child. As years progressed he decided to join SM Entertainment. Of course (Y/N) was proud of him, she never gave up on the boy, every time he was upset because of something he done or someone else done he'd always be in his room, talking to (Y/N). And her being herself, she always listened to the boy. No one knew about Jisung's imaginary friend, only Jaehyun and Taeyong. But the thing they didn't know, nor did (Y/N), was that Jisung loved the (H/C) girl.

Jisung was now 17 years old. He was sitting in his room, looking at the girl he loved the most. He noticed something unusual, she was glimmering. "(Y/N), are you okay?" The boy asked, sitting up on his bed. "There's something I need to tell you, Jisung." The girl said. "There's point in every child's life where they forget or don't need their imaginary friend anymore, your time is nearing." (Y/N) said, looking down. The brunette boy took this as a chance to confess. "Look (Y/N), I know that this is weird but... I love you." Jisung said, making the glimmering girl look up at him. "I love you too." She said. Jisung leaned in to kiss the girl on her lips. They both closed their eyes, enjoying everything. But a tear rolled down (Y/N) cheek. And when Jisung opened his eyes, she wasn't there anymore. Tears formed in his eyes, he couldn't see her anymore.

He then curled up into a little ball on his bed as he started crying. Trying his hardest to muffle his sobs he carried on crying. Knowing that his first ever crush was not his anymore.


sorry if this made you cry, but I wanted to try switching my genres up I usually do romantic, adventure, action and happy.

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