The Favour

813 27 6

Genre: Angst & Fluff

Trigger Warning: Suicide

if you can't deal with things like this or don't like reading things like this than don't, you have been warned


Jisung was staring at his teacher, Mrs Kim Taeyeon. She was practically a goddess in his eyes, some boys crushed on her too, but Jisung wanted to be with her, even though she was already married.

He always thought about her, he liked her a lot. He daydreamed a lot in her class, but it was of good cause, I guess. "Mr Park, what is the answer to question 3?" Mrs Kim asked. "The instrument was a violin." Jisung blurted out. "At lest you got it correct, please stop daydreaming in my class, Mr Park." Mrs Kim said as she turned back to the board. "If only you knew what it's about." Jisung muttered under his breath. The day finished so he was able to go home and fantasise about Taeyeon, his teacher, all he wanted.

The teenage boy got home, he went up to his room as he wasn't bothered to do his homework, he wasn't a teachers pet, but he just wanted to get Taeyeon's attention. She was all he cared about. But he still decided on doing his homework because he didn't want to get a detention, because he knew that Taeyeon wants to go home to her husband after school hours. He was almost done with his homework when he took a little break to eat something. After he got back he sat back down onto his chair as he closed his eyes. He let out a deep breath, "I wish Mrs Kim wasn't married to that man." Jisung sighed out.

All of a sudden, he heard a sigh that didn't belong to him. He opened his eyes as he saw you. "W-Who are you?" Jisung asked, scared of how a girl managed to enter his room without him realising. "The Devil, you idiot. You have a desire right? I will grant it as long as you also do something in return for the favour." You said. "How do I know that it's not fake?" Jisung asked. "Ok, I'll come to school with you tomorrow, and you'll see. But are you sure that that's what you want?" You asked. "Yes." Jisung answered without any hesitation. "Okay, be careful what you wish for though." You said. "But what's your name?" Jisung asked, catching you off guard. "Call me (Y/N)." You smiled as you disappeared, making Jisung sit there confused.

-Next Morning-

Jisung woke up, done his routine, got dressed, ate and then left for school. He was wandering whether what you said was true, because it sounded WAY too good for it to be true. He walked to his tutor and you were in there, wearing the uniform of the school. And when the teachers were doing the register, they even called your name out.

"How did you do that?" Jisung whispered during a.m. registration. "As I said I am the Devil." You smiled. You and him got to know one another, but it was rather you getting to know him. The two of you walked to music, Jisung was getting excited since he could at least fantasise about her without worrying about that man. When the two of you got in, Jisung was smiling as you looked off. Taeyeon walked in as she smiled like she always did.

Jisung was smiling but half way through the lecture, Miss Hwang walked in with flowers. "Tiffany, how many times? Stop bringing me flowers during lesson time?" Taeyeon went up to her girlfriend, hugging her. Jisung looked over at you. You looked down onto your lap, not saying anything nor looking up. But, Jisung lightly kicked you from under the table. You didn't flinch because you knew he'd do it.

The whole lesson was of Jisung sending you death glares but you looked back at him with a straighter face then his. The second the bell rang, you quickly packed your stuff and tried walking out of the classroom but Jisung caught your wrist. He pulled you aside as he waited for everyone to get out so the two of you can make your way out easier.

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