Boy With Luv

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You were waiting for your best friend, Jisung to come back to the bench you were sitting at. "Jisung! What took you so long?" You asked, getting up from the bench as you walked towards your friend. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you wait, (Y/N)." Jisung said as you guys started walking together.

All of a sudden you felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned around and saw a boy. "Hello, is he your boyfriend?" The boy asked, pointing towards Jisung. "No." You responded, making the boy smile. "Then, may I have your number?" He asked. "Yeah sure." You said. He gave you his phone as you typed in a fake number so he wouldn't be able to call you, he was a stranger after all. "Thank you very much." He said, walking away. You turned towards Jisung, only to see him looking down onto the ground sadly. "What's wrong Jisungie?" You asked. "Why did you give that stranger your number?" He asked. "I didn't, it was a fake number." You said as Jisung nodded his head, feeling happier to know that it was fake.

You guys kept on walking in the park. Even though he knew that you gave that boy a fake number, he still felt really down, he knew you two were friends, ever since early childhood but he had feelings for you, and it pained him to know that you might not see him as anything more than a friend.

You noticed how sad Jisung looked sad, you obviously side hugged him. "Jisungie~ I don't like it when you're down, tell me what's wrong." You whined, wanting to know what the problem was. "Nothing." Jisung said in a really quiet voice, too quiet for your liking. "Please, you don't usually talk this quietly and it's making me worry like hell." You said. Jisung let out a huff, still looking down at the ground.

You two carried on walking till you reached a bench. After a couple of seconds of the two of you sitting in silence, Jisung finally spoke up, "The reason I'm so down is because you actually looked like you were into that guy from earlier, and I know that this is stupid but I've fallen madly in love with you, ever since we were young, you were always there for me and you always helped me out. I love you a lot, (Y/N)." Jisung said. And after he finished his sentence he stood up, walking away from the bench you guys were sitting at, leaving you with wide eyes.

-2 Days Later-

It was weird not talking, not texting or not receiving a call from Jisung. Half of you felt happy, beyond the moon but the other half felt depressed for some reason. You were so happy that Jisung liked you back in that way, but you really felt sad that he might think that you don't like him back.

So, you decided to get ready, walking over to his house. You wanted to confess to him, you wanted to let him know that you love just as much as he loved you.

When you got onto his front porch, you took in a deep breath, and knocked on the door. A couple seconds passed when the door was opened, revealing Jisung in a pair of sweat pants, a black t-shirt and messy hair. He looked at your feet, his eyes traveling from the bottom half of your body up to your top half. His breath hitched as he pressed his lips together, looking at your face. "Can I come in?" You asked, the boy nodding his head.

You two sat on the couch in the living room, Jisung waiting for you say what you had to say. "Look Jisung..." You started, trying to collect your thoughts. "The thing you said in the park, about your feelings for me." Jisung automatically looked down onto his lap, fiddling with his fingers. "I came over to tell you that I feel the same way." You said, making Jisung look up at you with wide eyes. "You mean that?" He asked, his eyes glossy from potential tears. "Yes you little mouse. I love you too." You said.

That made Jisung launch himself at you, causing you to fall onto your back as he was on top of you, hugging you close to him. You let out a little chuckle, smiling down at the boy on you. You ran your fingers through his hair, then your hand traveled to his face, cupping his left cheek. That caused him to look you straight into eyes. You closed the gap between the two of you, his lips being soft against yours.

The kiss was sweet, not too long, not too short. After you two broke apart you both erupted into laughter. "I love you, you dork." Jisung smiled. "I love you too you big bean." You said back, the two of you cuddling.

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