Break Up And The Voicemail

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It's been a long time since you've spoke to him. You just couldn't get him out of your head no matter how hard you tried, you got too attached to Jisung Park and you hated it. 'How could someone have such a huge influence on someone?' you'd ask yourself or 'He's just a guy, why the hell can't I forget him?' This didn't make sense to you, you were madly in love with Jisung at some point but ever since the fight you two had, you just couldn't forget him, it made you go through some things that you didn't like. However, you did wonder whether Jisung still thought about you or whether he got over you. Because of the break up, you barely watched anything to do with NCT Dream and so you didn't know anything about your now ex-boyfriend.

This break up was 2 months ago but to you it honestly felt like years. And even though you've done everything in the book to forget the boy you were once madly in love with, nothing really worked because he always tried to grab your attention by calling you, by texting you or sending you voicemails.

Now currently, you were sitting in your room, on your bed, laying there and staring up to the ceiling as your favourite song (not NCT lol) was playing. You were humming along to the lyrics, your arm covering your eyes at some point, you right leg also being propped up on the bed whilst you were tapping to the rhythm of the beat on your mattress. You were dozing off very slowly when suddenly the song you were previously listening to paused. "Who would it be?" You said as your furrowed your eyebrows together. You sat up as you turned to your nightstand where both your phone and your speaker was located. You got your phone into your hand as you pulled your phone close to your face. You opened it up to your lock screen only to see a voicemail from the one and only 'Jwi 🐭'.

You rolled your eyes at the fact that your heart fluttered at the name. "No, no, no (Y/N). You got over him remember? No you didn't, who are you kidding?" You started having a conversation with yourself. "Shut up (Y/N) you know he got over you, he's an idol, he doesn't need a girl like you, there are thousands of other prettier girls than you who he could be happy with." You told yourself (which is a lie, you are unique and beautiful and pls understand that). "Then what would he want from me?" You asked as you just then realised that it was a voicemail. "Should I - no I'm not going to. I just managed to stop thinking about him and then he has to come back into my heart like this, I promised myself that I will never get played like this." You told yourself. And in those moments, your heart and your brain were having the biggest argument however your fingers acted whilst your heart and brain were distracted and they unlocked the phone, going past the lock screen and straight to the phone app. Without even really needing to pay attention to the little screen in your hand with your eyes, your fingers have already tapped onto the voicemail sent by 'Jwi 🐭' a.k.a Jisung Park.

"Hey (Y/N), it's me Jisung. Long time no see, right?" A nervous chuckle left the boy, "I know we messed up with the fight about our schedules but I realised it's neither of our faults. We can't control our lives, with me being an idol and you being a student and the stuff we have to do. And not seeing you for this long is killing me, you were the first real love I've ever experienced and I'm happy about how patient you were with me. And... whatever I said to you that day..." his voice trailed off, the emotions he felt were clear, you could practically hear the tears rolling down the boy's cheeks, "I want you to know that I NEVER meat any of it, I was just in the heat of the moment and I NEVER intended to hurt you. And if it isn't too much to ask for then could you please meet me in the NCT Dream practice room? Only for today, maybe at 5pm? I just want to talk to you, see you, hear your voice and end on good terms if it isn't too much for you?" [not directly quoted from the video]

The favour seemed all too good to be true but you did miss him, you did just want to see him, hear his voice and you did want to make up for what happened during the fight you two had on that day. You checked the time and realised you had two hours to kill before you had to leave.

You got up from your bed, chose and outfit that looked comfy yet also looked good, you got yourself ready as you started imagining what might happen when you see Jisung for the first time since two months now.

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