Positive Affirmation and Kisses (Android!AU)

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this is one of my oldest ideas I wrote about in one of my old Jisung book that I never published. I hope you enjoy and I want you to know that I'm planning on having at least 50 stories or even more.

Warnings: Parents fighting/possible divorce


The (L/N) family is one of the most well known families in Seoul, South Korea. Mainly because everyone in the family is smart, they are either scientists or engineers. So, that lead onto you also having top grades in school. But even though you had pretty good grades in school, you just wanted someone, anyone to be your boyfriend, but no one was interesting enough for you nor did they fit your ideal type.

And the type of job your parents had lead to you guys to have money and a lot of mechanical parts which your parents used to create Androids, robots that can be whatever you want: house maids, friends, lovers, babysitters or whatever.

And so, as you were on your summer holiday, you woke up from you sleep. Your parents being away at work, leaving the house to you until they get back home. "I'm slowly getting bored these days." You rolled your eyes. You got out from your bed, getting changed out of your pjs and into some casual clothing. You looked around your room, looking for your phone and earphones so you can listen to music. Your favourite song came on, and like usually, you started singing along to the lyrics when you reached for your notepad which consisted of stories and drawings/random doodles. There wasn't anything in particular in your mind about what you wanted to draw, but your hand just started moving, you were drawing a circle and there was a head of whatever/whoever you drew, you added facial features and boom, in the book in front of you was a drawing of a boy (The picture from the top is the reference). To you he looked cute and you wanted him to be real, but like you always said: "The most attractive boys are always fictional." and you weren't wrong on that.

You took your phone and paused the music, wanting to call your parents to ask whether you're allowed to use some mechanical parts for something. And your parents being your parents, they encouraged you to use them.

Because you weren't the best at putting life-sized Androids together, you just stuck to drawing or making blueprints for your parents. So, you rushed over to your parents' lab, taking a piece of the blue paper and rushing back into your room, you then proceeded to re-draw the boy, full with the body type and everything you though would fit with his cute face. Your drawing was coming along pretty good and that was something you were used to, only having it done in a couple of hours, complete with body type, skin colour, eye colour, hair colour and height. All you now had to do was to wait until your parents get back so you can show it to them and ask one of them to bring this beautiful boy to life.

You set the blueprint onto your desk as you got up from your desk, laying down onto your bed and saying to yourself, "I think I just drew my ideal type/future boyfriend." And with that, you just waited patiently for the next day.

-Next Morning-

Your alarm went off, you got up, shutting it off as you took the blueprint into your hand, making your way into your mum's bedroom. You walked to her side of the bed, leaning down to her, "Mum." You aid but she didn't even budge. "Mum!" You whisper yelled as you also gently shook her awake. "You know how I asked you yesterday whether I'm allowed to use mechanical parts? I done the blueprint, like I always to, and I was wondering whether you could make him come alive?" You asked as you showed the blueprint to your mother. She sat up in bed, looking down at it as she smiled, being proud of you like she always is. "What came over you honey?" She asked as you blushed, knowing she probably figured out on why you want an Android. "It's okay, (Y/N) darling, it's natural in everyone." She said. "How about you get dressed, we both have something for breakfast then I can drive you to Cyber Life so we can get your boyfriend done for you." Your mother winked as you smiled at her, "Thanks mum."

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