Uncle "O'Neil-eo" finds out

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Okay (f/d/m) means (fav disney movie) *Still didn't read since I wanted you all to get this chapter, though I doubt that there's a mistake. Tell me if there is though, I'll most likely look at the comment and fix it at some point. Thank my foodies~*

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I flew all the way to the closest manhole, didn't stop, and then kept going to the apartment building. It's not far either, so I flew into April's window and towards the kitchen where he's singing while cooking. Giggling I flew right up to him and say "hey uncle O'Neil-eo!" He froze at the sound of my voice. Leo runs in saying "it's not what you think Mr. O'Neil!" But uncle turns around and sees me and Leo. I turn around to see what's so weird, just the regular cousin, our best friend turtles, and Casey. Wait a minute.... oh yeah I'm six years old, I nervously laugh and slowly go back to the ground.

April was the one to break the awkward silence "dad, I can explain" he shakes his head and picks me up. He looks me in the eye and then says "hey sweetie, you wanna go color some of those color pages I left in that old chest? It's in my study room." My excitement went through the roof hearing this "yes! Yes, yes, yes!" I fly to his study room and start coloring.

Third persons p.o.v

Kirby looks at everyone, his face looking so upset, he spoke in his sternest voice he can, trying not to get your attention. "So who's fault is it? Because my niece should be fifteen, not six years old again." Donnie looks down at the ground, nervously whistling "technically it's none of our faults Kirby. It's kinda funny once ya think about it" Raph starts out with "she was playing tag with an actual six year old on her back. When she was running into the lab, she couldn't stop, so she threw the six year old on the couch."

Leo explains, but Kirby didn't let them finish "will you be able to fix her? I can't have a six year old that can fly. I wouldn't be able to keep up with her, it was hard enough when she was a regular six year old!" Donnie flinched. "About a week to a month.... I already got it started! So all we can do is wait" "wait?? I can't even watch her. Unless she's calm, and she's never really calm" Kirby looked at everyone again, then he sighs. You on the other hand got bored of just coloring the pages that Kirby has for you, so you decided to free hand stuff. First thought you got was to draw Donnie, you did amazingly for a six year old with colored pencils

 First thought you got was to draw Donnie, you did amazingly for a six year old with colored pencils

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(Please know that this picture isn't mine, I just looked it up and found it on Google)

Looking at your work you squeal, and go to show everyone "guys, guys! Look at what I drawed!" Some tried to contain their laughter. Leo congratulated you, Kirby did the same as Leo, but Donnie blushes when he sees it's him. That's when you came to realization, at certain points you go from energetic six year old, to regular fifteen you. Raph seen the change of expression from you "you back?" You blush nodding, and pull the picture close to you. Everyone laughed or chuckled, except you, you felt embarrassed about all of this, the six year old accident, and the picture.

Back to you

I look at the floor, their laughter echoing in my head, April picked me up saying "it's okay (Y/n)! We just like the picture, it's spot on." I look up at her and say "really? I think I messed up on the color of his eyes to be honest." Mikey puts me on his shoulders "let's go have some fun dudette!" I laugh and say "I wanna watch Disney. Disney forever!" Leo talks with uncle for a minute, and then Raph grabs all of my favorite Disney movies I loved growing up. Uncle looks at me "sweetie... you're gonna stay with the turtles until this all blows over. Okay? I love you" he picks me up from Mikey's shoulders and hugs me, I hug him back saying "okay uncle."

Leo picks me up and says "okay we'll take good care of her, now all we need is clothes for both her and Flower. This shouldn't be hard, right guys?" The guys except Raph nod their heads "I ain't helpin much." He walks out the window and keeps going, I look down sadly, Donnie grabs me saying "don't worry. He's gonna have to help at some point, bye Mr. O'Neil! Bye April!" Tristan walked away with Casey. Donnie carried me all the way down to the lair, we all went and did our own things, I walked to the tv. Where's (f/d/m)? I wanna watch it! "Raph!! Where's (f/d/m)??" He looks at me weirdly, and stopped punching the dummy.

"What makes ya think I know?" He gets down to my level, I pout at that "but Raphieeee.... you grabbed the movies. I just wanna know where one of them is" he starts smirking at me "it's somewhere, now go and find it." He starts punching the dummy again, some tears went down my face, I mean... we're best friends. What he's doing is so.... so stupid! We relate to eachother, and he's not even telling me where something I want is. I turn him to face me, and fly up to his level "ya wanna know something? You are a... a sassy messed up bitch. That's right I said it, we're best friends...... at least I thought we were, I'm just gonna go hang with Mikey or Flower. Because they're being better friends than you are right now."


Look who's being a bad-ass six year old! 😂 now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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