Bad vision

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I go to the floor again, flash him my six year old smile, and start walking away, but he stops me "kid don't do me like this. It's just...." I get out of his hold and say "what is it?" He sighs and says "I want the fifteen you back. It's not really the same without your comments, and I miss our training... I'm *mumbles*" I have no idea what he said. "I don't know what you-" "I said I'm sorry... I shouldn't be actin like this, I just don't want my best friend to be a toddler. I guess what I'm tryna say is..... I'm worried for you, that Donnie doesn't know how to change ya back."

I was gushing hearing this "awww Raphie everything is gonna be okay! Have trust in the smart brother. He'll pull through" I hug his legs, he tenses, but when I let go I say "now let's go watch some Disney." To be honest he's still easy to pull, so I pulled him to the living room, and say "I still wanna watch (f/d/m)." He smiles and grabs the stack of movies from behind the tv, puts one in, and goes to the kitchen. I raise an eyebrow "what're you doing?" It takes a second for him to say "we can't watch a movie without popcorn."

That makes sense, I watched through the previews, and now I have to press play, Mikey walks in though and says "don't worry dudette, I got it." I smile as he pressed the button for me "hey ya started it without me?" Raph asks walking in with a bowl of popcorn. Mikey's face is priceless, me and Raph started laughing a little, but the movie already started. I shush whoever was talking in the room, and then we started watching the movie with all our attention.

-time skip to after the movie, brought to you by jellybean pizza-

I yawn as I start to slowly fall asleep, but I hear Leo say "looks like it's someone's bedtime" that made me wanna protest. Sitting up I say "yeah right, I am so full of energy *yawn* you don't even know how much I have in me." Donnie walks in the room and sees me, seeing him I say "I do not need a bedtime!" I started losing my balance. Someone caught me before I hit the floor face first, so I stopped protesting and gave in to sleep. A voice echoed inside my head... I am pretty sure it's Donnie's too.

-in vision-

I look around, looks like I'm having another vision, this is so weird, I've never been here before... at all. The walls are white, the floor is white, and not to mention the light is really bright, making the place look bright. Donnie is strapped to a table, I'm next to him, also strapped to a table, but I'm back to normal. What is happening? Why can't I just shapeshift, or break the bars?! I looked over to Donnie with tears in my eyes. "Donnie if this is how we die.... I just want you to know, I'm happy I'm by you" he tears up too. "I couldn't have had a better girlfriend... I love you (Y/n)" he held my hand, I squeezed it tight. "I love you too Donnie..."

-in the lab-

I sit up screaming, breathing hard, I look around the room to see everything differently, it's the lab, Donnie runs in and sees me. A tear goes down my face, I fly straight to him, hugging him tight while crying, he didn't expect that though. Once I got him in a tight hug, he flew back a little from the force, I was crying while hugging him. He hugs back, footsteps start coming, I got scared and fly in front of Donnie grabbing his bo-staff. I see his brothers looking at me concerned "what happened?" Leo asks looking me in the eye. Seeing it's just them I lowered the weapon with tears still going down my face, I don't want that happening.

Someone picks me up, so I cried onto their shoulder.... I don't wanna explain what I just seen, for some reason me and Donnie are gonna die, and I can't do a thing about it. "She screamed and just jumped into my arms once she seen me walk in, she hasn't said a thing yet." That's Donnie... he's the one that's holding me, it takes me a second to stop crying, he makes me face him. His beautiful eyes staring into my soul, I shake my head "I can't talk about it, but we need to go and patrol. Something is happening.... and it's not good" they nod and go grab their weapons, I shake off any bad feeling I still have.

Anger/sadness is flowing through me, but my six year old mind is telling me everything is okay... I'll trust it for now. The guys run out with weapons in hand, and we go running through the sewers, Raph opens the lid. I was the first out, it feels good to have fresh, clean air again flowing through my tiny, tiny, lungs. The others met up with us, by the others I mean April, Casey, and Tristan, maybe this is that night my vision came from. There's only one way to find out....


Cliffhanger! I kinda wanted to do this one this time, okay now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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