Sleep walking (kinda)

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I just really wanted to publish these since it's close to New Years, so I hope you all will enjoy this chapter *I have no idea if there's mistakes. I feel like there isn't, but I have no clue, so... eh*

Donnie's p.o.v

I look at Mikey shocked "how'd you get her to sleep??" I ask quietly surprised to not wake her, he smiles and says "I am good with hugs, that's what she needed to calm down. Now hold her while I get Flower again" he motions for me to grab (Y/n) as he smirks to Flower. I hesitantly grab (Y/n) from my little brother, Flower seen Mikey with free arms, and she ran for it. I watch (Y/n)s sleeping figure as she's using me as a pillow, I smile and bring her to my room. Luckily I got a room with thicker walls than the others, so (Y/n) should have a peaceful sleep.

I gently set her down on my bed, she shivers, I grab my blanket and cover her up, she stopped shivering and started floating in her sleep.... above the bed. She's still in reach, but she's sleeping in one spot, that's cool and weird at the same time. I walk out quietly, see Flower run up to me, so I grab her, and gently rock her for sleep to accept her. She tried to resist sleep, but ended up falling asleep in my arms, Mikey walked up to me out of breath. "Y-You got her... *whispers happily* yes! Now let's bring her back to Leos room before he notices she's gone."

We walked to Leos room, Mikey quietly opened the door, Leos quiet snore can be heard in the dark room, Mikey goes in first and I follow. When we finally got to Leos bed we see Leo on the edge of his bed, he probably was trying to leave room for Flower. I smile at the thought, but I set the little girl on the bed, and before Mikey woke them up I pushed him out. A yawn slowly leaves my mouth "I'm gonna hit the hay Mikey, see ya in the morning" I say and walk to my room. Mikey replies with "see ya in the morning!" He skipped all the way to his room, he looked wide awake.

I shake my head and just think of it as him finally getting some time to himself from having to help with two toddlers. On my way to my room I see toddler (Y/n) sleep-walking on air out the door "don't forget to smile. Genie-corn is on his way! Just don't make fun of his small unicorn body, he won't grant your wishes if you do." I sigh and whisper to myself "you never wake up a sleep walking person, so I guess I'm not sleeping yet." She walks around the lair, she even walked into Raphs room, scaring him awake somehow.

"AhHhHhHhHh!!" Raph yells and a thud is heard, I peek my head in to see (Y/n) still sleep floating, but Raph is on the floor looking up at (Y/n). "Jello is the best way to get a genie-corn to come, it's their favorite snack, no matter the flavor." (Y/n) then makes her way out of Raphs room, still sleeping somehow, and Raph looks up at me. I nervously laugh "sorry Raph, she's sleep floating around, and you shouldn't wake up a sleep floater. Also, you shouldn't wake up a toddler, because they could get more awake, and that's not good either."

Raph sighs and asks "how long have you been up?" I start thinking "for awhile, why?" He raises an eyebrow saying "why? It's..." he grabs his T-phone "two in the morning. Go get some sleep" I look at him shocked "but-" "I'll watch shorty, we'll be fine, just go sleep." I sigh and agree with his words "promise me she won't get hurt" I say before I leave, he nods. "I promise, now go" I nod and go to my room, once my head hit the pillow I fall asleep quickly.

Raph's p.o.v

I walk around looking for the little kid "a'ight..... where'd ya go?" I ask myself out loud, then I hear her talking from the dojo.... "that ain't good." Once I get in the dojo, I have to duck to avoid a dagger "what the fuck?!" I yell, but she's still sleeping. "She really is a heavy sleeper..." I mumble to myself as I try to jump to grab her, but she goes higher. Then she goes into the tree and lays down close to the top, not looking like she'll move for awhile. I sigh and say "I promise Don you'd be safe, and I'm keeping that promise" so I start to climb the tree.

Once I got to her, she starts to float again, so I say "oh no you don't" taking off my mask I tie it around her little wrist, she can't move far. I sigh and start to climb down, now she's kinda like a balloon, it's kinda funny since she's talking like she's an air-head. A chuckle leaves my throat as I walk to the rooms, I see Donnies room and smile softly to myself. "Thank goodness this is over, goodbye little slugger" I say to myself and try to open Dons door. Looks like he locked his door..... I silently freak out and look back up at the sleep floating toddler.

"Looks like you're sleepin in my room tonight...... great" I say and bring her to my room, I take my mask off her wrist and grab her before she moves. She sighs and softly goes into my arms, mumbling something, probably about what she's dreaming about. I smile softly and set her down on my bed, she starting to literally death grip my arm, so I can't go to my hammock. I sigh and lay down slowly to not wake her, but she's still sleeping as she cuddles up close to me. "This is so weird" I whisper to myself as I put my mask on my bedside table and try to get some sleep.

"You owe me big time Dorkatello"


Okay... that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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