Serious thoughts

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Happy New Year guys!!! Can't wait to start this new year with all of you and I hope you'll enjoy this chapter *Warning, just like the title of this chapter says, you think some serious thought, also from this chapter on everything gets serious*

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I yawn as I begin to wake up, stretching as I do so, but felt restrained, I can't get out of this bed, wait a minute....... the room is too messy to be Donnies. Before my brain could think on who's room I'm in, I get pulled back to laying down from semi-strong arms. Looking back I notice it's Raphs arms I'm in..... which means I'm in Raphs room, on his bed. I silently sigh and float out of his grip very easily "you are too weak compared to me Raph." With that being said I float over to the door and open it quietly to not wake him up as I fly out. Continuing to float I float all the way to the kitchen, in search of any kind of food I can find.

Finding one of my favorite types of cereal I smile and get me some of the cereal, somehow I can't remember much of yesterday, except what happened with Tigerclaw. Literally knocked him out with my own four fists and I could've took down his weird little men. With my strength I can take down all threats in this city- no, no..... there's no point in doing that. I keep this mask on 24/7 for Master Splinter, never taking it off, no matter what, he will inspire me. I will be the one thing to get everyone to remain happy, I will be their sorrowful anchor and help them. This will help them achieve goals they never thought could be achieved or even reached on their own.

'Master Splinters words will forever remain in my head, he gave this bandana to me for getting this far in this family..... in this world alone. "Yellow is for courage, I want you to give courage to this team: to keep them going on and living happily." He wants me to make sure no one will mourn over his loss, to make sure that he did a great sacrifice for us. "Don't go and blame yourself.... I saved you, so you can keep living, I love you all" were his last words. I will make sure that no big family fights will break out over something small, kinda be like Leo. Just better than him at this job, because even he gives in to his own anger, that's why he's always meditating.'

I didn't know I was crying until I get picked up into someone's embrace, and hugged tight "it's okay dudette!" Mikey softly says to me as he rubs my back. Wiping my tears I laugh a little "I'm fine Mikey! I was just feeling lonely, it was too quiet all by myself." He bought that, I only know because he puts me back down in my seat so I can continue to eat. A big smile on my face as I eat and watch Mikey start to make some breakfast, also I think I was feeling lonely. Knowing me, I don't think that serious, unless I'm alone and have nothing else to do except think. As Mikey cooked, he realized he needed the bread, which was for some reason on a high shelf.

"Need some help??" I ask him, he nods his head, so I hand him my now empty bowl of cereal and say "you take this, I'll get that, okay??" He nods his head. Then I fly up to the cabinet and grab the bread for him "making some toast I see" I joke. Mikey laughs, then continues to cook his own hands off, but after a minute of silence, Leo walks in. He yawns as he sits down "what's for breakfast today Mikey?" Leo asks as he wipes his eyes. "Toast, bacon, eggs, and sausages, we ran out of pancake mix a few days ago" Leo groaned at that. At least he doesn't have to be a toddler for about a month, it's only been two days since Donnie started that antidote.

From what he said, it has to be in direct light until it turns from yellow to green, so this can take a while, I hope it will only take a week, because being in a toddler body is dumb. Sighing I start to float again, but I feel like I am just floating to no where in particular, not a thought in mind. At least until Donnie got into my sight, he was wiping the sleep out of his eye as he groans. I smile big, my six year old mind starting to take over again just at the sight of Donnie now. "Don Don!!" I yell happily and fly faster towards him, his eyes shoot wide open at the soud of my voice. From my fastness in flying, I basically made Donnie fly back once I started to hug him.

We flew back to the wall, I'm laughing uncontrollably, but Donnie nervously chuckled as he hugs back "I need to get used to toddler (Y/n). That hug always packs a punch to them, huh?" Donnie asks nervously, I look at him confused. After a second, I started coming back to my senses and blush while nervously laughing from this. "Sorry Don Don, want help up?" I apologize and float off of him, he shakes his head saying "it's fine. I'm sure you only cracked a few ribs, I'll live, I'll live" I look at him with tears about to stream down my face. "I hurt you that bad?!" I ask as tears actually start to fall "wait, I got this!" I say and kiss his cheek.

Donnies blushing face was the first thing I seen, but he nervously laughs saying "I-I-I was just joking (Y/n), you d-d-didn't break anything." I help him up, but from me pulling him too fast, he kinda jumped to his feet, his eyes wide from that. "Even as a toddler you still have your strength..... no matter what gets thrown at you, you catch. You dodge, you basically just roll with the punches, I always love that about you" Donnie says smiling. I blush dark from his words and say "th-thanks Don Don, I-" "let's watch some Disney!" Raph interrupted. He's so energetic all of a sudden, maybe I could use my vision to see why he's so happy right now.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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