Visions can be bad...

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

'I have a feeling that Leo is up to something...... let's see what's happening with a little vision dreaming..' I think to myself as I walk into the guest room. When I'm in there I lay down and start thinking about Leo as I try to sleep at the same time......

-In vision dream-

Walking around, already knowing I'm asleep, because this is feeling more relaxing than it usually is, but I see Mikey in the kitchen with Ice-Cream Kitty. "Scuse me Kitty-Kitty-Mama" Mikey says tiredly, we probably got a good sleep schedule. Ice-Cream Kitty actually sounded like she was trying to warn Mikey about something important. Wow never thought a delicious frozen treat could do something like that...... heh.. go figure. I didn't really pay attention after Mikey guessed "that sneaky Dr Squirrelenstein", but he got my attention back. "The guys??... Leo? I should wake him up, he'll know what to do! Thanks Kitty!" Mikey said.

When he ran towards the rooms, I followed him, hearing everything, even the part where Leo isn't even here!!..... I knew he was hiding something. Before Mikey could try to wake us up, I put my hand on his shoulder "woah, who's there?!" He asked scared. I roll my eyes and say "Mikey, it's me!! (Y/n), I want you to think carefully with the next question I ask." He nods "okay.... even though I feel like this is some type of trick" Mikey answers while rubbing his hands together. I smile and say "okay... remember the night Donnie came back from Tigerclaw??" He nods his head. "Okay, what about it??" Mikey asks confused "how long has it been since then??" I ask him concerned.

Mikey had to think "that was only a few days ago!!" I nod and say "thanks Mikey, remind me I get to help you prank anyone of your choice.... unless it's Donnie." He nods happily "okay!! Thanks dudette!" I laugh and say "no problem, now tell us about Leo. Before you forget, try to call him on his T-Phone too!" He nods with wide eyes remembering that.

-Back in the guest room-

I gasp as I sit up "Leo.... what're you doing??" I ask and sigh as I decide to use my vision again... I need to know where he went.

-In your vision again-

I see us in the Shell-Razor, tracking Leo by his T-Phone "I think I found him! I tracked Leo's T-Phone to Auman Chemicals. They must be trying to take down Shredders old operations on their own!" Donnie says while looking at his T-Phone. Raph looks at Donnie for a split second asking "what is he, crazy??" Mikey then jokes being mean. Once he said it though, Raph sped up, so I laugh as I watch Mikey fall backwards, but I looked nervous. Donnie looks back and asks "you okay (Y/n)?? You haven't said a word since we got in the Shell-Razor." I nod my head stuttering out "y-yeah, I-I just am worried for my older brother figure, that's all."

Donnie looked in my eyes and says "you had a vision... didn't you?" I hesitantly nod my head to answer his question, so he side smiles. "What happened?! Do we find him??" Raph asked kinda angered for some reason, I shrug my shoulders. "I didn't get that far in the vision, I only see what's happening right now, and when we get out of that place. We're about to get there, before I even finish this-" "this is it" Donnie interrupted me as we all go out. Raph sighed as he says "let's do this!" We all run inside the building, ready to join the fight. But when we're in there.... the place is empty, Mikey was upset that we missed out on the fight.

It's just..... I hear a beeping noise, I stop in front of Donnie, but he looks down and sees bombs! I gasp and go behind him "(Y/n), wait!"  Donnie says as I look scared. Pushing all four of them, looking like it was difficult to do, but once we got far enough I hear them get close. I scream as they go off.... the three bros landed on the ground, as I went farther since I'm lighter without a shell. I hit the parked car and hit my head on the ground as I finally stop and just lay there, my head bleeding. I gasp at the way I look and put my hand on Donnie "go to me, I'm injured and it isn't fixing fast." Donnie didn't even question that he could hear me, as he gasps and runs over to my knocked out body.

"Guys, (Y/n) isn't moving!" Donnie yells, Raph raises an eyebrow and asks "can't she use her healing powers??" Mikey nods agreeing with him. Donnie then picks me up and says "we need to get her back to the lab.... now!!"  We tried to get to the Shell-Razor. It's just.... Raph is looking worried, not moving as fast, like he's thinking about something. Even though I'm groaning, he isn't even looking focused.... that's when I see the lights-

-Back in the guest room-

I gasp again as I feel tired "what happened?? I'm not moving after I hurt my head???.... I'm so confused, I have healing powers!" I say to myself. There's a knock on the door "(Y/n).... are you okay?? You're usually with me, so I just wanted to make sure." That's Donnie, but I suddenly feel dizzy, I try to stand up, but fall face first into the floor. A groan escapes my mouth, but I try to act like I'm fine "yeah!! I-It's just.... my so called 'Bloody-Buddy' is here." It got quiet, so I look up at the door and see Donnie quietly opened it, at least I didn't lie, I think that buddy is here today. Donnie looks down at me confused "'Bloody-Buddy'??" He asked as he walks in and closed the door.

I sigh and facepalm "it's Shark week, the redcoats are comin, what other way do you want me to say it?!" I ask mad, Donnie jumped at the yell. He had to think before he realized what I meant as he blushed and ran out, I sigh and call April. Telling her the exact thing I had to tell Donnie, and she said she'd get me supplies and bring them down here. I smile and thank her as I hang up, but I look over at the bed, noticing the pillow right there, so I start thinking. "If I use one thing too much...." I say to myself as I try to turn into a pillow, but when I look down... I'm not a pillow. Somehow I'm a pillowcase...... this is bad, I turn back to normal and look down at my hands.

That's how that happens.....


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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