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Donnie's p.o.v

-at one in the morning-

They leave, so I smirk and rock back and forth in the wooden chair, at least until I got onto my feet, then I jump as high as I can, turning backwards. When I landed on my back, the chair broke easily, so I stand up and get out of the rope and smile. From here I think I'll be fine, so I go to the door and peek my head out to see if anything is guarding out here. Nothing.... for now, I make my way, in ninja mode and start to make my way to look for an exit. It doesn't take me long to find a window, but footsteps are starting to come my way, looking around I find a wood beam. I jump up and pull myself on top as I see all those little robot men running with the supplies I sent them for.

'Didn't think they'd actually buy that, Tigerclaw needs to build more smart robots, because these have personality, sure, but they aren't very intelligent.' Before they could come back I start to jump across beams to make my escape to the window. Once I'm there I jump out the window and see where I'm at, it's an abandoned warehouse. That is so stupid, I facepalm and continue my way to the lair, not having to be long, since it's only ten minutes away. Grabbing out my T-phone I see that I'm almost in time to get there at around one thirty. I hope I don't wake anyone up, that would be kind of bad, I just want to see (Y/n) again, my one and only.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

As the movie continued, I couldn't help but keep checking the clock, almost time for Don Don to run in, smiling big I stand up and stretch. "What's got you so happy?" Tristan asked me, I chuckle and say "you'll see" then we hear footsteps. "Guys!! I'm back!" Donnie yells, everyone else fumbled to get up, but they all asked "what?!" Shocked. We ran to see him, smiles on our faces, tears ran down my face, just like in my vision, as I was the first to him. Before I could hug him he starts to say what he said in my vision "I found out somethings. (Y/n), you are in terrible danger, and stop throwing candy away when we're on patrol."

I nod in understanding, but he continued "Kraang are after you, they know about your powers, they want to kill you! Also those little men are robots." We were shocked by his news, but I nodded at his last part "we figured out that they're robots. I slashed one of their legs and seen nothing but wires, they seem poorly built" he nods his head. "I know right!" Donnie agreed, we laughed, but Leo interrupted our laughing fit, looking confused. "Wait, how do you know the Kraang are after her?" Leo asked, Donnie started to explain that too. "Well, those little robot men spilled the beans, about everything, even why they captured me."

After he got done explaining that, I hugged him tight, he laughed and hugged back too "don't worry, nothing is gonna take me down, trust me." I breathe in fast at that and couldn't help but hold my breath at that, he tensed at that and looks at me. "What's wrong?? You were uncomfortable when I said 'nothing is gonna take me down.' Did you have a vision??" None of us answered that, so it got awkwardly quiet kind of quickly. Donnie makes me look him in the eyes, his eyes hold concern, so I sigh and nervously smile. "Yeah.... I had a vision, you..... get captured by the Kraang, I don't know why, I don't even know how."

Donnie was shocked by the news "you're kidding!" I shake my head "no, I'm not, I don't know when, but it has to be soon, in the vision I was back to normal me. So it could happen at any moment-" "is anyone gonna tell her we went to space?" Mikey asked. I look at them shocked, Tristan was shocked too "you guys went to space?!" We asked them. They nodded their heads, Leo was the one to explain, it kind of all makes sense "that's so cool. I wish I could've been there, it would've been so fun!" Tristan says while smiling big, I roll my eyes. "Dude, you're so dumb, we didn't even know the turtles when they went" I say to him while raising an eyebrow.

Tristan waved me off as he says "if we did though, we would've made an amazing addition to the team, just like we do now!" Raph laughs at that. I raise an eyebrow at thim "what's so funny??" I ask him "we dealt with so much strong stuff. Not to mention the weirdest of things out of it all, you two wouldn't have lasted a day with what we dealt with. Right guys??" Raph asked while looking at his brothers, but they kept quiet "also we saved Earth. Which took time to do, not to mention time-traveling" Leo explained, I smile at that "saved Earth. Dang!! Tristan, as much as I hate to admit it, Raph is right, sure we fight bad guys, but saving the Earth? We would've gotten took down."

Donnie put a hand on my shoulder saying "you would've been fine! It's Tristan you should worry about, he only got strong because of you." Tristan glared at Donnie, but I laugh and say "thanks.... but shouldn't we get sleep? I'm tired." Everyone agreed with me, but Leo started to think about something "somethin on your mind Leo?" I ask him. He looks at me and says "no, I'm good, let's get some sleep" I don't buy his words, but I listen. Not wanting to deal with that tonight......


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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