- morning.

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Author's Note: What's more comfortable and relaxing than a rainy day, drinking coffee/tea/hot chocolate w/ warm clothes, good music and a blanket??? thats what im doing rn- imwriting this too because creative juices, yo!!!

Alright thatS enough of my dumbass talking haha enjoy the story, all!!

It was morning, as the sun was nearly just rising to greet the people in Japan.

Before, the sky would look as if somebody painted the sky a navy blue and made a small light gray circle with darker craters. Then they topped it off by flicking white paint on the canvas.

This sky's difference was that it shifted its colors slightly, and the moon would soon say farewell as time passed. From a calming midnight blue to pastel yellows and reds, other forms of warm tones like that. A moving painting.

Meanwhile, you were on your phone, as you woke up an hour ago. You were gonna get up... but you opted to stay in the warm covers. This was your day off, why not enjoy it, right?

Your husband was a pro hero, but not just any regular pro hero, he was the number one pro hero, next to the two, Shōto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugō. His name was..? You guessed it! Izuku Midoriya. He was out doing hero duties, and didn't have the same days off as you, unfortunately. But the people come first, as you would say.

Well, sometimes your little green fluff would have days off, but he had troubles relaxing and kept calling the agency, checking in to see if they were alright. Every time you were there with him, you'd... watch, and wait until the call was over.

You had to admit, you were slightly annoyed when he repeatedly called his agency. It was cutting through precious cuddling time...

Then, when he decides to pick up his phone after about an hour or so, you would cut him off with–

Okay. Let's pause for a moment. The bed was warm and all that, but you needed to eat and drink. It was nice to enjoy your day, but you eventually had to force yourself out of heaven to keep yourself nourished.

You (very unwillingly) got up, on comes the clothes. You put on a shirt, hidden by a oversized gray sweater and some black sweatpants, you grabbed your phone and off you go downstairs to get a hot beverage to warm yourself up.

/ timeskip to where you made your drink

You sat at the dining room table, hot beverage in your cup placed on said table. Freshly made. You were watching T.V, and when you thought drink was cooled off enough, you took a sip.

"oW-" you cried out, quickly setting down the mug, the spot that first hit the heat was stinging really badly. You blew cold air into the (hot chocolate/coffee/hot tea??), the air was blown hard enough to move the liquid inside.

You will try to be careful next time.

/ timeskip.

It was 4pm o'clock. You suddenly were woke from your nap on the couch because of somebody loudly knocking on the door. You put your phone in your pocket.

'oh what the hell??' you thought, quickly getting up and opening the door to reveal...

Izuku! Huh. Usually he would get off way later. Like, wayyy later. Sometimes he wouldn't get home until the next day.

"heyyyyyy....?" you nervously(??) said, dragging out the word. It almost sounded like a question. You moved aside to let your broccoli inside.

"Hi, (y/n)!" Izuku beamed as he took a step inside, suitcase in hand. "I missed you!!" He set his suitcase down on a chair. While you closed the door, you were then engulfed in a warm hug, before he pulled away and gave you a kiss on your cheek.

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